Hi all,
This is a summary of ruby-dev ML in these days.
[ruby-dev:26869] [Oniguruma] Version 3.8.9
K.Kosako announced that new Oniguruma was released.
[ruby-dev:26881] Re: Failure: test_block_passing(TestIterator)
Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA reported that test_block_passing(TestIterator)
on ruby chkbuild (automated build test) fails in 1.8 and 1.9.
Nobuyoshi Nakada said that he was still considering.
[ruby-dev:26895] Enumerable#count
Satoru Takabayashi wrote a table of methods of Array
in Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Perl and C.
When he wrote it, he found that Ruby doesn't have
a method such as a.count(x) in Python. He wanted
to add Enumerable#count into Ruby.
But in his next mail, he found that Enumerable#nitems
has block like a.nitems{|e| e == x}. He guessed it
may be enough to do.
[ruby-dev:26900] multiplying empty string
Nobuyoshi Nakada asked whether it is a feature that
"x".taint * 0 is tainted when "x" is tainted. Matz
answered that it is by design and it should be not
problem, but Tanaka Akira doubted it (he is really
interested in taint model and its security).
[ruby-dev:26924] enumerator
Nobuyoshi Nakada made a patch to return Enumerator
object when Enumerable method is called without
block. It's applied to each or each-like methods
in Array, Dir, Hash, IO, Range, String and Struct.
Masayoshi 'Maki' Takahashi E-mail: maki@rubycolor.org