Hello all,
This is a summary of ruby-dev ML in these days.
[ruby-dev:23201] [Oniguruma] Version 2.2.5
Kosako released Oniguruma Version 2.2.5. It has been already
imported into the Ruby CVS. And also you can get it from
Kosako’s page:
[ruby-dev:23212] warning: fork terminates thread
Tanaka Akira proposed to suppress "fork terminates thread"
warnings on using folk with thread as follows:
% ruby -ve 'Thread.new { sleep }; pid = fork {}; Process.wait pid'
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-03-22) [i686-linux]
-e:1: warning: fork terminates thread at -e:1
Rationale for the proposal is:
* If the warning is for chang of specification of fork in
Ruby 1.8, it should be suppressed on Ruby 1.9.
* fork must be used when system and popen are inadequant.
In such a case, the warning is unsolicited.
* Even if the user doesn't use thread explicitly, some libraries
such like timeout use thread implicitly.
Matz agreed to do it.
TAKAHASHI ‘Maki’ Masayoshi E-mail: maki@rubycolor.org