Ruby-dev summary 19198-19345

p <<-|EOS
  >  foo
  >    bar
# => "  foo\n    bar\n".

He already posted a patch to add this function. Matz wants any
comments for the idea from all Rubyists.

Well, if he wants comments from all Rubyists, … that’s a
lot of comments.

Anyway. I want this functionality so bad I can taste it.

The Perl6 idea is interesting, and on the face of simpler.
But the idea above is quite elegant and pretty, and with a
good editor, easy to edit.

Can we not include feature of perl6 also?

I like it since sometimes I’m lazy and I like Ruby to do work for me :slight_smile:

Of course, Nobu’s ideas stands out best for all purpose…

many thanks -botp