Hi guys,
A few weeks ago, sbdy talked to me about Ruby, and Rails, and how beautiful /sniff/ the language is. I took a look at it, and indeed, I love the simplicity, or let me rephrase, the humanity of the language. Definitely because I have a background in C/C++/Java, the first one missing the ability of easy 'meta-languaging', the second one being basically an OO hack of the first one (no offense meant), and the third one, well, ok, close but no cigar. The company I work for builds tool for optimizing algorithms (mainly multimedia applications), from the raw description until the target platform. The problem is that all those tools only accept C. I believe that Ruby might be a better choice for this, definitely in the early stages of the optimization, because you can analyse your program from a layer above it, which according to Godel is sometimes necessary. So in my off-duty time, I'm building some examples to convince them. But alas, I already now their first question, and have no answer to it, and that's why I phrase it here: What if the code is optimized, how do you go to a platform with specific processors on them? For C, many are out there. So here is my question to you guys:
1) Are there any efforts, or is it at all possible, to write a Ruby compiler, for lets say a TI/C64 DSP processor?
2) If the answer to the first question is negative, how good is the (http://easter.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~hiwada/ruby/rb2c/) ruby to C convertor? I did not have a look at it, and wont have time probably in the near future, but can it handle any Ruby code? That would be amazing, as there not even really good C++ -> C convertors. Does it handle 'your typical Ruby' constructions? I would already be happy if it can handle C-alike code mixed with classes.
I know, an obvious answer would be, try it yourself, but if sbdy can shed a light, that would be a big motivation/demotivation. One answer I can imagine is that Ruby is not targeted for such low-level stuff.
Best regards,