Ruby command -- bash readline completion

I have put together some basic bash readline completion for ruby.

* Typing `ruby -[TAB]` will give you a list of available command line switches.
* Typing `ruby -r[TAB]' will give you a list of available libraries to load. For this I have disabled searching "." because that could take a very long time.

See [] for ri completion

Create a file named ruby in bash_completion.d/ with --


have ruby &&
   # Get a list of all available ruby libraries
     COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -P "$prefix" -W "$( ruby -rfind -e '
     libraries = []
     $:.each do |path|
       # searching "." may take a very long time.
       unless path == "."
         Find.find(path) do |found|
           Find.prune if File.dirname(found) =~ /test/
           libraries << found.gsub(/^#{path}/,"")[1..-4] if found[/.rb$/]
     print libraries.join(" ")
     ) " -- $cur ) )

       local cur prev prefix temp


       # completing an option (may or may not be separated by a space)
       if [[ "$cur" == -?* ]]; then

       case "$prev" in
           return 0

       # handle case where first parameter is not a dash option
       if [ $COMP_CWORD -eq 1 ] && [[ "$cur" != -* ]]; then
         return 0

       # complete using basic options
       COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-a -c -d -e -F -l -n -p -s -S -T -v -w -W -0 -C -i -I -K -r' -- $cur ) )

       return 0
   complete -F _ruby $default ruby

-- Daniel