Ruby/C++ integration with SWIG: problem with namespaces

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to import a C++ library in Ruby using SWIG, but I have a
problem with namespaces and enumerators: I have a namespace "mymodule"
with a function "myfunction" which takes an element of type "myenum" as
an argument.

If I define "myfunction" and "myenum" in the same source file
"mymodule.h" everything works, but if I separate them, placing "myenum"
in "myenum.h" something odd happens: I can print the value of an element
of "myenum" via Ruby but cannot pass it as an argument to "myfunction".

Here are the source files and the error I get:


### mymodule.h ###

#ifndef MYMODULE_H
#define MYMODULE_H

#include "myenum.h"

namespace mymodule {

  void myfunction(myenum);



### myenum.h ###

#ifndef MYENUM_H
#define MYENUM_H

namespace mymodule {

  enum myenum { A, B, C };



### mymodule.cxx ###

#include "mymodule.h"

namespace mymodule {

  void myfunction(myenum c)
    // do nothing


### mymodule.i ###

%module mymodule

#include "mymodule.h"
#include "myenum.h"

using namespace mymodule;

%include mymodule.h
%include myenum.h

### myapp.rb ###

require 'mymodule'

print "I can print Mymodule::B = ", Mymodule::B, "\n"

print "but I cannot pass it as an argument:\n"


### command-line ###

$ swig -c++ -ruby mymodule.i

$ g++ -fPIC -c mymodule_wrap.cxx -I/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux

$ g++ -fPIC -c mymodule.cxx

$ g++ -shared -o *.o

$ ruby myapp.rb

I can print Mymodule::B = 1

but I cannot pass it as an argument:

myapp.rb:7:in `myfunction': Expected argument 0 of type myenum, but got
Fixnum 1 (TypeError)
        in SWIG method 'mymodule::myfunction' from myapp.rb:7
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It turned out I need to write mymodule::myenum in my C++ code even if I
used the "using namespace" directive, since Swig doesn't understand it.

This page helped me to figure this out:


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