My first exposure to Ruby was from Jim, and his "10 things every java
programmer should know about ruby" presentation.
Anyway, I probably shouldn't even be thinking about this kind of stuff
yet, but one thing in the presentation that I dug a lot was the use of
overriding Kernel#method_missing to queue messages and play them back
in order.
Anyway, I want to know what other kind of cool,i guess I'll call it
metaprogramming, can be done in ruby.
For example, I remember reading something about Eiffel having the
ability to declare pre and post conditions for method calls on
objects, essentially bringing this criteria in as part of the
interface. Can something like this be done in Ruby? I'm assuming so,
but for some reason my google hits keep referring me to Pyhon's
Metaclass things, go figure.
Anyone got a link?
Thomas G. Willis