This is a query for all those windows power users.
I want to install a ruby app as a windows service.
I am assuming that the best practice is to use RubyScript2Exe
and something like http://www.sw4me.com/wiki/Winserv or
http://www.firedaemon.com/ to run the app as a service.
Can someone with experience in doing this comment on
my theories as how to proceed?
Jim Freeze
Jim Freeze wrote:
This is a query for all those windows power users.
I want to install a ruby app as a windows service.
I am assuming that the best practice is to use RubyScript2Exe
and something like http://www.sw4me.com/wiki/Winserv or
http://www.firedaemon.com/ to run the app as a service.
Can someone with experience in doing this comment on
my theories as how to proceed?
You could use those, or use win32-service. 