a friend of mine has asked me to write a quick and simple application
that should run only on windows OSes. It should be a desktop GUI
application. It's pretty simple in its working as it should basically
just move some given files from one location to a couple of others.
I am completely unexperienced on ruby on windows, and have little
experience with ruby and GUIs, so here I am with my questions:
1) guess I should pack it with RubyScript2Exe to make it executable on
any windows machines, right?
2) is there a (quick) way to build a GUI box that will allow me to
select interactively a filesystem path using only the mouse? What
library should I stick to?
MySQL and PHP are popular not because of their quality, but despite it.
1) guess I should pack it with RubyScript2Exe to make it executable on
any windows machines, right?
Pretty much. Or you can create a setup archive, including the Ruby
interpreter and your app. It'll clock in rather heavily, but you have
pretty much perfect control where what goes.
2) is there a (quick) way to build a GUI box that will allow me to
select interactively a filesystem path using only the mouse? What
library should I stick to?
Any will work, and which you want to stick to depends on what GUI
toolkits you have worked with already. If your stance is "no
preference" or "never worked with GUI toolkits at all", you could give
Shoes[0] a try.
On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:10 PM, spaghetticode <spaghetticode@lavabit.com> wrote:
Phillip Gawlowski
Though the folk I have met,
(Ah, how soon!) they forget
When I've moved on to some other place,
There may be one or two,
When I've played and passed through,
Who'll remember my song or my face.
2) is there a (quick) way to build a GUI box that will allow me to
select interactively a filesystem path using only the mouse? What
library should I stick to?
a friend of mine has asked me to write a quick and simple application
that should run only on windows OSes. It should be a desktop GUI
application. It's pretty simple in its working as it should basically
just move some given files from one location to a couple of others.
I agree with Quintus, OCRA and wxRuby are the way to go. If you want to see
an example of an application I created for that check out http://github.com/javaalley/dragons_keep\. I also used datamapper for a
database engine.
> 2) is there a (quick) way to build a GUI box that will allow me to
> select interactively a filesystem path using only the mouse? What
> library should I stick to?
Thanks to everyone for the bootstrap, that was exactly what I needed
Allan Davis <javaalley@gmail.com> wrote:
I agree with Quintus, OCRA and wxRuby are the way to go. If you want to see
an example of an application I created for that check out http://github.com/javaalley/dragons_keep\. I also used datamapper for a
database engine.
MySQL and PHP are popular not because of their quality, but despite it.