Ruby and popen

Hi, I am a new programmer, very new to ruby. I am creating a windows
front end to rsync, and I am having some issues, I have read alot of the
net and can't seem to find a solution.

Here is the problematic function:

    def rsync_files()
  String command="rsync --verbose --stats --progress -r
--rsh=c:/ruby/bin/ssh" + @filenames + ""
        rsync = IO.popen(command, "w+")
        end while inctxt!=nil

Pretty much it sends the proper rsync command and everything works, but I
dont get any feedback from the program untill rsync finishes it. I figure
that the stdout buffer isnt full so it doesent send any info untill the
program finishes. I can find a way to flush the buffer.

Any help would be great.


$stdout.sync = true



In article <>, wrote:

program finishes. I can find a way to flush the buffer.


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