Ruby and aop


I am one of the developers of AspectWerkz [1] a plain Java aop implementation. During the last months a have played a little with Ruby, and even if I am sure I haven't got yet the right ruby mindset I see a lot of potential here.

Lately, considering that aop is one of my passions, I was looking for an aop implementation in Ruby. I have found AspectR [2] being the only one and a couple of more or less theoretical proposals.

I have also noticed that some guys here are interested in this field (Trans, Peter Vanbroekhoven, etc - sorry if I don't mention all the names or I am using just nicknames).

I would be very interesting to find out from more advanced Ruby users which were the hard parts they have reached while trying to do aop in Ruby. I am asking this as I am considering to start a project to support the full aop implementation in Ruby (probably in some places adapted to the needs/specifics of Ruby).

many thanks for all your future answers,

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|


Hows this for a less than sophisticated attempt

class Dog
def bark
puts "WOOF"

class Proxy
def initialize(clazz)
@clazz = clazz

def method_missing(meth, *parms), *parms)
@clazz.send(meth.to_s, *parms)

def precall(&block)
@precall = block


d =
pro.precall { |meth,parms|
puts "Precall method #{meth.to_s}"


Hi Alexandru!

I think, aop-like programming is done mostly by redefining methods.
This is somewhat ugly, as you have to alias the old method.
A good example is the once macro as used in freeride or date.rb:

module Once
  def once(*ids)
    for id in ids
      module_eval <<-"end;"
        alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s}
        private :__#{id.to_i}__
        def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block)
          (@__#{id.to_i}__ ||= [__#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)])[0]
  private :once

By using once, you can cache method results like:

class MyClass
  extend Once
  once :my_method

I can imagine a cleaner aop-style of doing this like:

aspect_around MyModule::MyClass, :my_method do |meth, *args|
  ( @__my_method__ ||= [*args) ] )[0]

or more generally

module Once
  def once(*ids)
    for id in ids
      aspect_around self, id do |meth, *args|
        if cache = instance_variable_get("@__#{id}__")
          result =*args)
          instance_variable_set("@__#{id}__", [result])

Hi Alexandru,

Well, in my experience the hardest part has been dealing with name
clashes between advice and the methods they effect, though I think that
is exhaserbated with the approach we've taken (which I suspect you've

Another difficulty with what I think you have in mind, is actually
tapping into those joinpoints. You will likely be needing to modify
core --which isn't very condusive to adoption.

Really the thing about Ruby is that it already offers a lot of
AOP-esque features, albiet they are a bit scatted about. Hooks and
callbacks go along way toward serving as joinpoints (though there are a
few notably missing). Method aliasing serves as a workable, albiet
slightly clumsy due to potential name cashes, means of advice. And
ObjectSpace.each_object allows one to tap into every part of the
system; certainly not the most efficient, but generally effective since
the costs are typically all up front.


Alexandru Popescu <> writes:


I am one of the developers of AspectWerkz [1] a plain Java aop
implementation. During the last months a have played a little with
Ruby, and even if I am sure I haven't got yet the right ruby mindset I
see a lot of potential here.

I would be very interesting to find out from more advanced Ruby users
which were the hard parts they have reached while trying to do aop in
Ruby. I am asking this as I am considering to start a project to
support the full aop implementation in Ruby (probably in some places
adapted to the needs/specifics of Ruby).

It's probably not too related, but I think Context-oriented
Programming would be really cool to have in Ruby. I tried
implementing it, but I couldn't figure a good way to do it...


many thanks for all your future answers,

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

Christian Neukirchen <>


there is a rather simple implementation of AOP in the Glue libarie
that acompaies Nitro and Og. Aspects are used throughout the Nitro
project. At the moment the lower level annotation system is beeing
redesigned and I expect to reimplement the AOP implementaion on top of

Perhaps you could have a look at the current implementation and offer
some suggestions.



On 9/14/05, Alexandru Popescu <> wrote:


I am one of the developers of AspectWerkz [1] a plain Java aop implementation. During the last
months a have played a little with Ruby, and even if I am sure I haven't got yet the right ruby
mindset I see a lot of potential here.

Lately, considering that aop is one of my passions, I was looking for an aop implementation in Ruby.
I have found AspectR [2] being the only one and a couple of more or less theoretical proposals.

I have also noticed that some guys here are interested in this field (Trans, Peter Vanbroekhoven,
etc - sorry if I don't mention all the names or I am using just nicknames).

I would be very interesting to find out from more advanced Ruby users which were the hard parts they
have reached while trying to do aop in Ruby. I am asking this as I am considering to start a project
to support the full aop implementation in Ruby (probably in some places adapted to the
needs/specifics of Ruby).

many thanks for all your future answers,

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|



Thanks for both suggestions so far. However these are easy solutions for the most commons things. When talking about aop there are a lot of joinpoints that are interesting, there are the intertype declarations (this part I think is pretty easy in Ruby), and maybe some more little tricks.

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

#: Matthias Georgi changed the world a bit at a time by saying on 9/14/2005 12:11 PM :#


Hi Alexandru!

I think, aop-like programming is done mostly by redefining methods.
This is somewhat ugly, as you have to alias the old method.
A good example is the once macro as used in freeride or date.rb:

module Once
  def once(*ids)
    for id in ids
      module_eval <<-"end;"
        alias_method :__#{id.to_i}__, :#{id.to_s}
        private :__#{id.to_i}__
        def #{id.to_s}(*args, &block)
          (@__#{id.to_i}__ ||= [__#{id.to_i}__(*args, &block)])[0]
  private :once

By using once, you can cache method results like:

class MyClass
  extend Once
  once :my_method

I can imagine a cleaner aop-style of doing this like:

aspect_around MyModule::MyClass, :my_method do |meth, *args|
  ( @__my_method__ ||= [*args) ] )[0]

or more generally

module Once
  def once(*ids)
    for id in ids
      aspect_around self, id do |meth, *args|
        if cache = instance_variable_get("@__#{id}__")
          result =*args)
          instance_variable_set("@__#{id}__", [result])

Matthias Georgi ha scritto:

Hi Alexandru!

I think, aop-like programming is done mostly by redefining methods.
This is somewhat ugly, as you have to alias the old method.

you don't have to do that, see the implementation of this from Mauricio Fernandez[1], based on explicitly creating an old Method instance via #method and calling that instead of something like __old_meth.


#: Trans changed the world a bit at a time by saying on 9/15/2005 12:36 PM :#

Firstly many thanks for taking the time to answer. Than more questions inlined :slight_smile:

Hi Alexandru,

Well, in my experience the hardest part has been dealing with name
clashes between advice and the methods they effect, though I think that
is exhaserbated with the approach we've taken (which I suspect you've

which one are you refering to?

Another difficulty with what I think you have in mind, is actually
tapping into those joinpoints. You will likely be needing to modify
core --which isn't very condusive to adoption.

by modifying the core you mean to alter/add the Object, Module, etc functionality; or something more deeper? indeed I might need at some moment to open/alter Object, Module, etc, but I would like to stay at that level.

my (possible) naive thoughts are in the following direction:

- assure that aspects definitions are loaded always first, so that I can have a centralized place to control pointcuts
- using inspection code I can plug hooks on the joinpoints matching pointcuts loaded in the first place
- using inspection code I can do mixins too

Probably the most interesting thing from this perspective (I feel that I should underline this again: maybe naive) is how many joinpoints I will be able to watch based on existing inspection code (I think one of the documents I have read already analysed this part).

- a more difficult part is the aspect instanciation model; well for the moment I haven't gonne so far to imagine what would mean aspects with perthis, pertarget, perX;

- another interesting part will be the cflow/cflowbelow;

but as I usually like to start small and afterwards grow I would be happy to have at least the first part done.

Really the thing about Ruby is that it already offers a lot of
AOP-esque features, albiet they are a bit scatted about. Hooks and
callbacks go along way toward serving as joinpoints (though there are a
few notably missing). Method aliasing serves as a workable, albiet
slightly clumsy due to potential name cashes, means of advice. And
ObjectSpace.each_object allows one to tap into every part of the
system; certainly not the most efficient, but generally effective since
the costs are typically all up front.


Surely, there are lots of hacks that can be done and get a feeling of doing aop (I don't want to sound harsh). However, in bigger systems and for ease of solution they are not the silver bullet (nor the aop is :-)).

please let me know what do you think,
:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

#: Christian Neukirchen changed the world a bit at a time by saying on 9/15/2005 4:49 PM :#

Alexandru Popescu <> writes:


I am one of the developers of AspectWerkz [1] a plain Java aop
implementation. During the last months a have played a little with
Ruby, and even if I am sure I haven't got yet the right ruby mindset I
see a lot of potential here.

I would be very interesting to find out from more advanced Ruby users
which were the hard parts they have reached while trying to do aop in
Ruby. I am asking this as I am considering to start a project to
support the full aop implementation in Ruby (probably in some places
adapted to the needs/specifics of Ruby).

It's probably not too related, but I think Context-oriented
Programming would be really cool to have in Ruby. I tried
implementing it, but I couldn't figure a good way to do it...

ContextL | Lambda the Ultimate

What is context-oriented programming?

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|


many thanks for all your future answers,

:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

Going to Disney. I'll be back Monday, and will pick up on this thread


Alexandru Popescu <> writes:

#: Christian Neukirchen changed the world a bit at a time by saying on 9/15/2005 4:49 PM :#

Alexandru Popescu <> writes:


I am one of the developers of AspectWerkz [1] a plain Java aop
implementation. During the last months a have played a little with
Ruby, and even if I am sure I haven't got yet the right ruby mindset I
see a lot of potential here.

I would be very interesting to find out from more advanced Ruby users
which were the hard parts they have reached while trying to do aop in
Ruby. I am asking this as I am considering to start a project to
support the full aop implementation in Ruby (probably in some places
adapted to the needs/specifics of Ruby).

It's probably not too related, but I think Context-oriented
Programming would be really cool to have in Ruby. I tried
implementing it, but I couldn't figure a good way to do it...
ContextL | Lambda the Ultimate

What is context-oriented programming?

One could say (although some people may disagree with that), that COP
is a kind of dynamic AOP where the layers can be changed at runtime.

For an example, see

I don't have more stuff about it right now...


:alex |.::the_mindstorm::.|

Christian Neukirchen <>