lets thank Matt Swanson for the first write-up in the Ruby Advent
Calendar 2020 / 25 Days of Ruby Gems series
presenting a new Ruby library every day from December 1st to December 25th.
For day 1 see the write-up titled
"Day 01- local_time Gem - Cache-Friendly and Timezone Aware
Timestamp Formatting" [1a][1b].
Congratulations for joining all these people together to write about Ruby Gems!
I really appreciate your effort.
Best regards,
Abinoam Jr.
Em ter., 1 de dez. de 2020 às 08:09, Gerald Bauer <gerald.bauer@gmail.com> escreveu:
lets thank Matt Swanson for the first write-up in the Ruby Advent
Calendar 2020 / 25 Days of Ruby Gems series
presenting a new Ruby library every day from December 1st to December 25th.
For day 1 see the write-up titled
"Day 01- local_time Gem - Cache-Friendly and Timezone Aware
Timestamp Formatting" [1a][1b].