Ruby 1.8.6 P368 windows binaries

I currently have Ruby 1.8.5. After much discussion on another thread
about whether to upgrade to 1.8.7 and decided to go with 1.8.6 instead
due to chatter about potential 1.8.7 potential compatibility issues. So
to install 1.8.6, I grabbed the off Ruby site. Upon
unzipping it, I discovered that it doesn't contain any Windows binaries,
so it appears that if I want this release, I need to build it (which I
have no clue how to do at this point).

The only release I can find with Windows binaries is I know I could use the one-click
install which has P287 but it includes an older gem version than the one
I already installed on my system.

So my options are:
1) overwrite my current Ruby binaries with what's in p287 zip file
2) find the Windows libraries for p368 and use that instead, anyone know
where I can grab these?

Also, is it crucial to have p368 instead of p287? Thanks in advance for
your help.


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The only release I can find with Windows binaries is I know I could use the one-click
install which has P287 but it includes an older gem version than the one
I already installed on my system.

you could still use it--just run gem update --system after you install
it :slight_smile:

Other than that, you'll need to compile your own ruby for other
versions, or use the (beta) mingw version.
Instructions here:


So my options are:
1) overwrite my current Ruby binaries with what's in p287 zip file
2) find the Windows libraries for p368 and use that instead, anyone know
where I can grab these?

Also, is it crucial to have p368 instead of p287? Thanks in advance for
your help.

both probably safe.


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Hi Cali,

if you do not need to use the installer, you can have several ruby
installations on your PC at the same time. Just unzip the package and put
it somewhere. In cmd.exe do

SET PATH=F:\myruby\bin;%PATH

to put the ruby binary into PATH. That's all. When you need to run ruby
scripts by double clicking on them you need to set this path system wide
or user wide in windows controls / system. Or you just type explorer in
cmd.exe, which then inherits the environment of your current cmd.exe.

When I remember right, the zips may come without rubygems or with an old
versions of rubygems (depends on the ruby version). Then just download
the latest rubygems zipfile, unzip it and run the setup script. Then you
can install gems.

So you can easily switch ruby versions. The ruby binary knows where it
actually lives and uses all the directories, which belongs to its setup
automatically without any setup in registry etc. So just using the full
path to the ruby.exe is enough to choose the ruby version you want. This
is interesting, when you eg. want to run a mongrel as a service in
windows. In cmd.exe it is better to modify PATH, so you it will be enough
to just type ruby.exe.

It even works on UNC-paths over a network. Only cmd.exe does not allow a
cd to an unc-path. I therefor prefer 4nt over cmd.exe.

Handling open source apps this way works for a huge number of software
like perl, python, ruby, php, apache, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, gimp,
inkscape etc. I have about 100 different packages on my PC installed this
way and I am working with many of them at work every day since many
years. So my conclusion is: Installers sucks - they really do, since they
dramatically limit your choices. But this does not work with all
software. Most commercial software is limited to installers.

If you need more Information just ask or better send me an email. I have
some experience on running those apps on windows and if you are a command
line junky like me, for 4NT I even have a set of startup scripts, which
makes those things even more easier.


@Roger thanks for the tip, wasn't aware of mingw but I'll check it out.

@Thomas, sounds like you have amassed a good number of usable scripts,
ever thought of making them available on a site like sourceforge as a
open source project? I think a lot of developers can benefit from them,
just a thought.


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