Sasada Koichi asked me to post this.
We are proud to announce the release of Rubyist Magazine
Volume 3. Below is a summary of its contents.
= Rubyist Magazine Vol. 3 =
Greetings from Masayoshi Takahashi, the editor-in-chief of
Rubyist Magazine.
Rubyist Hotlinks No. 3: Kazuhiko
Rubyist Hotlinks is a series of interviews with well-known
Rubyists. This interview is with Kazuhiko, who uses Ruby
in a variety of fields.
Let's Begin Programming with Ruby (Dan)
Ruby primer for people who are not familiar with computer
programming. This article deals with strings, errors, and
UVA "Best Season" (Daisuke Ikegami)
Introduction to the computer programming problem set
archive at, and to using
Ruby to solve some of these problems.
Ruby/TK Trends (Hideotoshi Nagai)
Introduction to Ruby/TK from the maintainer himself. This
article summarizes the differences between the version of
Ruby/TK bundled with latest version of Ruby (1.8.2) and
previous versions.
Nora Tutorial No. 3 (MoonWolf)
Third in a series of articles introducing Nora, a Web
application library that makes it easier to write CGI
programs. This article describes Nora's application
Ruby Library Report No. 2: Working with Java Resources
(Takaaki Tateishi)
The Ruby Library Report introduces various tools and
libraries for developers. This report introduces rjb,
rjni, and ruby-jdwp, tools for dealing with Java resources.
Customizing Your Blog with lily No. 1 (Kan Fushihara)
Series introducing lily, an easy-to-use blog tool written
in Ruby. For this first article, the developer of lily
explains how to write simple filters.
Using Win32OLE No. 1 (cuzic)
First article in a series explaining how to use Win32OLE,
a convenient extension library. This article describes
what Win32OLE is.
Report on Kansai Open Source 2004 (Japanese Ruby
Association Volunteers)
Members of the Japanese Ruby Association attended Kansai
Open Source 2004; there, they manned an exhibition booth
and gave a seminar presentation. This report details
their activities.
Ruby Sports (Char Asunadonai)
Humorous "essay" describing a group of five heroes known
as the "Special Programming/Debugging Rangers (SPD)" who
battle bugs and ensure the peace and safety of the
programming gods.
Ruby News
A gathering of Ruby-related news stories.
Ruby Event Check
Upcoming events that are related to Ruby or that might be
of interest to Rubyists.
The next issue is scheduled for mid-December.
We'd like to hear from you! We always welcome the
following types of articles:
* Technical articles about Ruby
* Ruby usage examples
* Essays related to Ruby (even if only loosely!)
* Other types of articles dealing with Ruby Japanese, if possible.
Any questions or comments you may have should be sent to
the Rubyist Magazine editorial desk at
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