Ruby 1.7 for Windows?

Bob says:

>Welcome back /\ndy.


>If there is anything I can do to help...yell it out.

Just as I was leaving, I saw some oddity where path
names like “\this\directory” were being parsed differently
between 1.6.7 and 1.7.2 (i.e., in 1.6.7 it correctly ended
up as \this\directory, but in 1.7.2 I got control characters!)
Is this any sort of known bug/feature? If not, I’ll get more details,
but before I beat what’s left of my head too much I thought
I’d ask…

/\ndy (dig, dig, throw out, throw out, dig…)



At Fri, 19 Jul 2002 05:57:47 +0900, Andrew Hunt wrote:

Just as I was leaving, I saw some oddity where path
names like “\this\directory” were being parsed differently
between 1.6.7 and 1.7.2 (i.e., in 1.6.7 it correctly ended
up as \this\directory, but in 1.7.2 I got control characters!)
Is this any sort of known bug/feature? If not, I’ll get more details,
but before I beat what’s left of my head too much I thought
I’d ask…

In what case?

Nobu Nakada