Rspec/rake note working

Working on a tutorial and starting to use TDD/rspec.

For some reason I cannot get it to work. Been working trying to fix
this over two days now.

The tutorial has given me a Rakefile that should work. I also have a
spec file and I am creating a file to pass the tests.

I am supposed to run 'rake' in my console to have it return the passing
or failing tests, but each time (no matter how much I move things
around) I get the following message (as if the 'hello.rb' file doesn't

in /Users/******/Desktop/********/learn_ruby)
`require': cannot load such file -- hello (LoadError)


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You are probably not setting up the load path correctly for it to be
able to find hello.rb. If it's in the same directory as hello_spec.rb,
you should be able to just give:

    require './hello'

in hello_spec.rb; the './' says to use the current directory as the
current file. If this isn't the case, more work will be required.

And let me say: Good for you! :slight_smile:


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:15 AM, Tom Galpin <> wrote:

Working on a tutorial and starting to use TDD/rspec.

For some reason I cannot get it to work. Been working trying to fix
this over two days now.

The tutorial has given me a Rakefile that should work. I also have a
spec file and I am creating a file to pass the tests.

I am supposed to run 'rake' in my console to have it return the passing
or failing tests, but each time (no matter how much I move things
around) I get the following message (as if the 'hello.rb' file doesn't

in /Users/******/Desktop/********/learn_ruby)
`require': cannot load such file -- hello (LoadError)

Thanks for the response.
Still didn't work. Tried to play around with all kinds of maneuvers on
the require path. But the same issues.


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Note: the tutorial Tom's working with comes from <;\.

I was able to run rake and include the (so far empty) hello.rb, using Ruby
1.9.3, which ruled out my initial theory that it required a Ruby version
from before the current directory was removed from the load path.


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Tom Galpin <> wrote:

Thanks for the response.
Still didn't work. Tried to play around with all kinds of maneuvers on
the require path. But the same issues.

Posted via\.

Yep. I tried with Ruby 2.0 and then back to 1.9.3.

My thought is that there is some older rake file (or something) that is
getting in the way. I've done a bunch of reading on this and trying
things out, but still no luck.

I've also had a friend look at it and he was able to run it on his


Posted via

I just figured it out. Thanks for you help. I appreciate it. After
three days of bashing my head against the wall.

The problem: I had a space in the name of a folder in the path to my
file. I took out the space, and voila!

Lesson learned: never name anything with a space again!


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