Rjust alignment

I think I'm going crazy. I tried to write a fairly simple program to
test ljust, center and rjust. But I cannot make the page numbers of my
table of contents line up. I tried to account for the string length of
the chapter and topics; I've tried a lot of things and I just cannot get
the page numbers to line up. If anyone knows how to do it please let me
know. I don't think I'll be able to go to bed without figuring it out.
Here is my latest code and output:

////////// code //////////////

class TableOfContents
attr_accessor :chapters, :topics, :pages

toc = TableOfContents.new
toc.chapters = ["Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3"]
toc.topics = ["Numbers", "Letters", "Variables"]
toc.pages = ["Page 1", "Page 57", "Page 117"]

lineWidth = 20
3.times do |x|
offset = toc.chapters[x] + ": " + toc.topics[x]
offset = 40 - offset.length
puts toc.chapters[x] + ": " + toc.topics[x] +
toc.pages[x].rjust(lineWidth + offset + (10 - toc.pages[x].length))

//////////// output /////////////////

Chapter 1: Numbers Page 1
Chapter 2: Letters Page 57
Chapter 3: Variables Page 117

!! Using this line rather than the above line 14 gives this

new line 14:

puts toc.chapters[x] + ": " + toc.topics[x] +

new output:

Chapter 1: Numbers Page 1
Chapter 2: Letters Page 57
Chapter 3: Variables Page 117



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

On Behalf Of Ross:
# I think I'm going crazy. I tried to write a fairly simple program to


# toc.pages[x].rjust(lineWidth + offset + (10 - toc.pages[x].length))

toc.pages[x].rjust(offset+10) #<-try this first

suggest to take a second look to #just... it rjusts the whole string. subtraction not needed :slight_smile:

sample output should then be,

C:\family\ruby>cat -n test.rb
     1 class TableOfContents
     2 attr_accessor :chapters, :topics, :pages
     3 end
     5 toc = TableOfContents.new
     6 toc.chapters = ["Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3"]
     7 toc.topics = ["Numbers", "Letters", "Variables"]
     8 toc.pages = ["Page 1", "Page 57", "Page 117"]
    10 lineWidth = 20
    11 3.times do |x|
    12 offset = toc.chapters[x] + ": " + toc.topics[x]
    13 offset = 40 - offset.length
    14 puts toc.chapters[x] + ": " + toc.topics[x] +
    15 toc.pages[x].rjust(offset)
    16 #toc.pages[x].rjust(offset+10,"x")
    17 end

C:\family\ruby>ruby test.rb
Chapter 1: Numbers Page 1
Chapter 2: Letters Page 57
Chapter 3: Variables Page 117


btw, i'd suggest you put "Chapter", and "Page" as headers, like so,

Chapter Page
1: Numbers 1
2: Letters 57
3: Variables 117

kind regards -botp

Maybe you're looking at the numbers wrong.
You could roll your own pretty easily.
Some pseudo code:

TotalWidth = x
TotalWidthForLine = TotalWidth - ( ChapterTitleWidth + PageNumberWidth )


On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Ross wrote:

I think I'm going crazy. I tried to write a fairly simple program to
test ljust, center and rjust. But I cannot make the page numbers of my
table of contents line up. I tried to account for the string length of
the chapter and topics; I've tried a lot of things and I just cannot get
the page numbers to line up. If anyone knows how to do it please let me
know. I don't think I'll be able to go to bed without figuring it out.
Here is my latest code and output:

////////// code //////////////

class TableOfContents
attr_accessor :chapters, :topics, :pages

toc = TableOfContents.new
toc.chapters = ["Chapter 1", "Chapter 2", "Chapter 3"]
toc.topics = ["Numbers", "Letters", "Variables"]
toc.pages = ["Page 1", "Page 57", "Page 117"]

lineWidth = 20
3.times do |x|
offset = toc.chapters + ": " + toc.topics
offset = 40 - offset.length
puts toc.chapters + ": " + toc.topics +
toc.pages.rjust(lineWidth + offset + (10 - toc.pages.length))

//////////// output /////////////////

Chapter 1: Numbers Page 1
Chapter 2: Letters Page 57
Chapter 3: Variables Page 117

!! Using this line rather than the above line 14 gives this

new line 14:

puts toc.chapters + ": " + toc.topics +

new output:

Chapter 1: Numbers Page 1
Chapter 2: Letters Page 57
Chapter 3: Variables Page 117


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Thanks. I am using FreeRIDE and the output shows up differently, but if
I copy and paste the output to a text file it is lined up like it is
supposed to be.

Thanks for the suggestions.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.