Ri usage tidbit

Here's a handy alias I use for nicer ri output, I just thought I'd
share it with all of you:

alias ri='RI="${RI} -f ansi" LESS="${LESS}-f-R" ri'

Basically it tells ri to spit out ANSI-formatted text and tells less to
not complain about the ANSI escape codes. It still respects any
existing values of $RI and $LESS.

I hope this is useful to someone.


"And remember, no matter where you go, there you are."
           -- Buckaroo Banzai

Yes! Thank you!


On Sunday 25 September 2005 10:01, Kevin Ballard wrote:

Here's a handy alias I use for nicer ri output, I just thought I'd
share it with all of you:

alias ri='RI="${RI} -f ansi" LESS="${LESS}-f-R" ri'

Basically it tells ri to spit out ANSI-formatted text and tells
less to not complain about the ANSI escape codes. It still respects
any existing values of $RI and $LESS.

I hope this is useful to someone.


Very sexy, in bash. Can a *nix guru translate that to tcsh?


On Sep 25, 2005, at 2:01 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

alias ri='RI="${RI} -f ansi" LESS="${LESS}-f-R" ri'

alias ri='( setenv RI "$RI -f ansi"; setenv LESS "$LESS -f -R"; ri $* )'

However....it doesn't seem to be working right. Maybe you can play with it, and figure it out.


On Sep 25, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Gavin Kistner wrote:

On Sep 25, 2005, at 2:01 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

alias ri='RI="${RI} -f ansi" LESS="${LESS}-f-R" ri'

Very sexy, in bash. Can a *nix guru translate that to tcsh?