Ri rdoc for installed gems?

A year ago there was discussion around having an option for rubygems
to install ri rdoc. Are the rubygems maintainers still thinking about
this? The RDT plugin for Eclipse will shortly release 0.6 with a nice
RI browser. I'd like to add support for installed gems but it appears
that first either rdoc should know something about how to generate ri
docs for installed gems, or else rubygems should have the option of
generating ri docs. Which is correct? A primary consideration for
rubygems is that RDoc should be easy remove on uninstall. What the
other issues? Anyone care to bring me up-to-date on current thinking
about this?


John-Mason Shackelford

Software Developer
Pearson Educational Measurement

2510 North Dodge St.
Iowa City, IA 52245
ph. 319-354-9200x6214