Ri keys

Can someone point me to documentation on valid keystrokes when running ri?
I'm using the one-click installer under Windows. It's not clear to me what the
proper keys are to exit, scroll down or scroll up. Is it possible to search
for words within the documentation? Is is possible to run ri so that you're
looking at the documentation inside vi or vim?


R. Mark Volkmann
Partner, Object Computing, Inc.

R. Mark Volkmann wrote:

Can someone point me to documentation on valid keystrokes when running ri?
I'm using the one-click installer under Windows. It's not clear to me what the
proper keys are to exit, scroll down or scroll up. Is it possible to search
for words within the documentation? Is is possible to run ri so that you're
looking at the documentation inside vi or vim?

ri, by default I think, runs through some sort of 'more' pager. I tend to find this annoying, so I have


in my Windows environment variables. (But I'm not sure if the behavior on my machines is influence by having Cygwin installed)

There is a Ruby menu add-in for vi (well, vim or gvim at least) that includes an option to run ri on highlighted text.


If you are looking to run ri such that the results are automagically piped into vim ... good question. I just hacked this:

  REM This is riv.bat
  call ri -T %1 >c:\temp\.ri.tmp
  gvim c:\temp\.ri.tmp

Then you can call

  c:\>riv String

and get the ri text in gvim

but I bet there's a better way to do this.




http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

R. Mark Volkmann wrote:

Can someone point me to documentation on valid keystrokes when running ri?
I'm using the one-click installer under Windows. It's not clear to me what the
proper keys are to exit, scroll down or scroll up. Is it possible to search
for words within the documentation? Is is possible to run ri so that you're
looking at the documentation inside vi or vim?

Have you tried fxri, which comes with the latest version of the one-click installer? Its really impressive.
