I still can’t get the ri on File:
$ ri -T File
More than one class or module matched your request. You can refine
your search by asking for information on one of:
File, FileTest, FileUtils, File
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.0 (2004-02-15) [i686-linux]
The ri version is alpha 0.1. I let make install build all the rdoc stuff.
I mentioned this in ruby-talk:89080, along with a way to reproduce the
problem in a short example. Dave fixed the problem in CVS. Now, with the
latest snapshot (Feb 15), the example works fine with rdoc/ri, but I
still can’t ‘ri File’.
Maybe I have to manually remove some old stuff from the install directories?
I have tried removing and rebuilding my ~/.rdoc.
It’s probably obvious… Thanks in advance.