[RFC] DocTest module

Hi all,
this is the first time I write code in Ruby that's not Rails-centric, so
I'd like to have feedback and comments on this real newbish attempt to
port Python doctest module to Ruby (http://rubyurl.com/tE0er).
I'm still in the process of learning Ruby - I mean, I've understood the
concepts but lack the experience to call myself a Ruby programmer - so
I'm glad to receive every suggestion or critique to increase my
knowledge of the language.


module DocTest

  class DocTestCase

    attr_reader :doctest

    def initialize( mod )
      @doctest = {}
      self.fetch( mod )

    def run
      @doctest.keys.each do |code|
        if eval( code ).to_s == @doctest[ code ].to_s
          return "OK"
          return "NO"

    def fetch( mod )
      body, result = '', ''
      require "#{ mod }"
      SCRIPT_LINES__.each_value do |source|
        source.each do |line|
          line = line.strip
          case line
          when /^# *>>/
            body << line.gsub( /^# *>>/, '' ).strip << '; '
          when /^# *=>/
            result << line.gsub( /^# *=>/, '' ).strip
            @doctest[ body ] = result
            body, result = '', ''


Is it a good choice to use eval for this kind of task ?
I wasn't able to find any documentation on IRB, but my first idea was to
use the real IRB for doctest comparing an emulated IRB session (a
doctest) with a real IRB session, and I still think it's the best way,
but reading all IRB source is far out of my possibilities :slight_smile:

A very simple testcase:

$:.unshift( File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), '../lib' ) )

require 'test/unit'
require 'doctest'

class TestDocTestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase

  def test_simple
    # >> 1 + 2
    # => 3

    dt = DocTest::DocTestCase.new( __FILE__ )
    assert_equal( "OK", dt.run )

  def test_complex
    # >> a = 1
    # >> b = 12.3
    # >> c = a + b
    # >> c
    # => 13.3

    dt = DocTest::DocTestCase.new( __FILE__ )
    assert_equal( "OK", dt.run )


Sorry for the long post.



checking for life_signs in -lKenny... no
  Oh my god, make (1) killed Kenny ! You, bastards !


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Nicholas Wieland ha scritto:

Hi all,


this is the first time I write code in Ruby that's not Rails-centric, so
I'd like to have feedback and comments on this real newbish attempt to
port Python doctest module to Ruby (http://rubyurl.com/tE0er\).

I have little time and can't check your code.. but have you looked at what has been already done in this field ?

- gabriele renzi :

Nicholas Wieland ha scritto:
>Hi all,


>this is the first time I write code in Ruby that's not Rails-centric, so
>I'd like to have feedback and comments on this real newbish attempt to
>port Python doctest module to Ruby (http://rubyurl.com/tE0er\).

I have little time and can't check your code.. but have you looked at
what has been already done in this field ?

Yes, I found extract.rb and looked at it, but it doen't seem to do the
same thing of doctest.
As a long time Python programmer I'm accustomed to trying my code in an
interactive Python shell while programming, doctest is useful because I
can cut and paste what I've done inside the Python shell and use it as a
test and as real documentation on the usage of what I wrote.
If I understand it correctly Florian's code seems to extract normal tests
from comments, so it's a different use case.



checking for life_signs in -lKenny... no
  Oh my god, make (1) killed Kenny ! You, bastards !


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