Rfc: dbrc

with only a quick look, looks good. does this fit as an RAA though? i
think just submit it to the DBI maintainer. not sure.

Michael Neumann, are you reading this? :slight_smile:

anyway, how about adding encryption? then it be just about perfect, i
think. just a thought.


I thought about that. But then I realized that the only thing that does
is prevent someone from viewing the .dbrc file in the event that the
permissions were accidentally changed from 600 to something worse.

As it is, a 600 file is only readable by the owner and root. Even if
encrypted, a scenario in which someone gets ahold of my password doesn’t
prevent them from looking at the file, since they would then have
access to my key files as well. They could also just step through the code
via the debugger and look at the value. I mean it has to be decrypted
somewhere, right?

Still, I could add encryption as an option someday I suppose, as it
would be one more hoop to jump through for a potential hacker.

Mainly it’s to prevent the-person-standing-over-your-shoulder from seeing
the password. :slight_smile:



If you want, I can create a contrib/dbrc directory in the CVS tree for it.




On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 04:46:57AM +0900, Berger, Daniel wrote:

with only a quick look, looks good. does this fit as an RAA though? i
think just submit it to the DBI maintainer. not sure.

Michael Neumann, are you reading this? :slight_smile: