Hi all, please can someone help , I am almost at the point of losing it !
I am writing a drb application that will recieve an XML ‘envelope’ that
identifies a request, the object type to instantiate and the criteria to
apply to the objects constructor. I am having trouble trying to traverse and
extract the xml data elements
Please could someone help
Here is the request xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 1 2 1,2,3,4,5 31/12/2001 31/12/2002the above is assigned to the xmlSent variable
the criteria is where I cannot get it to work
what I want to do is get all the elements for and add them into
the hash
for example:
object[‘criteria’][‘market’] = '1’
object[‘criteria’][‘benchmark’] = '1’
object[‘criteria’][‘manager’] = ‘1,2,3,4,5’
the elements within are dynamic so I dont want to hardcode it
rq = (Document.new xmlSent).root
#at this point in time we handle a single xml request
#if the entity has 1 'record' then process
if rq.elements.size == 1 then
object['type'] =
object[‘value’] =
object[‘criteria’] = []
rq.elements.each_element_with_text("//request[1]/criteria") { |element|
from here on I have tried everything, the problem is how to loop
criteria and add to hash including the elements tag name ie =
Any help would be great !!!
Graeme Matthew
Analyst Programmer
Mercer Investment Consulting
Level 29, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3001, Australia
Tel - 61 3 9245 5352 Fax - 61 3 9245 5330
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