Hi all,
I was wondering how to store free-form data (from user) with REXML.
require 'rexml/document'
class REXML::Element
alias :orig_initialize :initialize
def initialize( arg = UNDEFINED, parent=nil, context=nil )
orig_initialize(arg, parent, context)
yield self if block_given?
include REXML
output = ""
doc = Document.new
root.add(Element.new("lt_literal"){|elt| elt.text = "<"})
root.add(Element.new("lt_entity"){|elt| elt.text = "<")})
root.add(Element.new("amp_literal"){|elt| elt.text = "&"})})
doc.write(output, 2)
puts "Output: #{output}"
puts "--------------------------------------------------"
doc = Document.new(output)
doc.elements.each("test_output/*"){|elt| puts "text of #{elt.name}: #{elt.text}"}
dede:~$ ruby tmp/try.rb
text of lt_literal: <
text of lt_entity: <
text of amp_literal: &
Notice that the text of lt_entity is different than what I inputted
(it should be "<").
For this case, I could have encapsulate done: elt.text =
CData.new("<"), however, in general, do I have to scan the user
input for cases like this (XML entities)? But that would mean my
program now also has to know about XML-specific knowledge, which I
think is what REXML should shield me from.
My main question is this: for any string, how do I store it using
REXML so that when read back, I get the same exact content?