Request information from torrent tracker

Hello people.

I'm struggling with something here, and maybe any of you can help me.

I'm trying to build a Ruby script that request information from torrent
trackers. For example, the list of torrents that a tracker have (I'm not
sure if this is possible). Or the number of seeds and and peers a
torrent have 'in that' tracker (this one is possible for sure).

My problem actually is not really with Ruby (yet?).
I was reading the information about BitTorrent Tracker Protocol
(available here: and
there they say that we can request the information for torrent X like

I know that most of the times not all the trackers, that a torrent have,
work because they might be down.
So I downloaded a torrent file and I went to this page:

And I check the hashcode and trackers that were working, so I can try to
get the information from a working tracker for the torrent I downloaded.

so, after I get the list of working trackers, I just build a url like

and I pasted in my web browser and try to reach it. But I always have a
'Invalid request'. I tried to all of the working trackers and I always
have the same result.

Any of you have any idea of what I'm doing wrong? I can use the browser
to test that, since is just a simple http request, right?




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I solved the problem.
Thanks anyway



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