Reprocess Escape Sequences

I am getting a string that has escape sequences in it, and I would like
to print it to the screen after reprocessing the escape sequences. Maybe
I have missed something obvious but I haven't seen anything in the docs
that suggest how to do this. To replicate the behaviour I create a
string in irb like so:

$ irb

str = 'some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences'

=> "some \\n\\r string \\t with \\r escape \\n sequences"

eval "puts str"

some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences
=> nil

puts "%s" % str

some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences
=> nil

I recognize that I can simply do a gsub:

puts str.gsub(/\\n/, "\n")

\r string \t with \r escape
=> nil

but that would mean I would have to pattern match all sequences, and it
seems like there should be a better way

Any suggestions?


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I am getting a string that has escape sequences in it, and I would like
to print it to the screen after reprocessing the escape sequences. Maybe
I have missed something obvious but I haven't seen anything in the docs
that suggest how to do this. To replicate the behaviour I create a
string in irb like so:

$ irb

str = 'some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences'

=> "some \\n\\r string \\t with \\r escape \\n sequences"

eval "puts str"

some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences
=> nil

If you use eval you rather need to do something like this

irb(main):004:0> str = 'some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences'
=> "some \\n\\r string \\t with \\r escape \\n sequences"
irb(main):005:0> puts eval('"'+str+'"')
escape with
=> nil

puts "%s" % str

some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences
=> nil

I recognize that I can simply do a gsub:

puts str.gsub(/\\n/, "\n")

\r string \t with \r escape
=> nil

but that would mean I would have to pattern match all sequences, and it
seems like there should be a better way

Actually doing a replacement would probably be my preferred way
because of the security implications of eval.

You can do it in one go

irb(main):008:0> PAT = {'n'=>"\n",'t'=>"\t",'r'=>"\r"}
=> {"n"=>"\n", "t"=>"\t", "r"=>"\r"}
irb(main):009:0> str.gsub(/\\(.)/){|m| PAT[$1]}
=> "some \n\r string \t with \r escape \n sequences"

Kind regards



2010/4/22 Nathaniel Madura <>:

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end