I'm reading a file line by line and trying to remove the newline at the
end of each line so that I can rebuild the url with the "www" and the
".net" at the beginning and end. Does anyone know how I can remove the
newline char at the end of each line? Also if the url doesn't work/exist
I don't want the script to crash I want to keep moving through the file
its reading.
while (line = f.readline)
line = line =~ /(.*?)\n/
url = "www." + line + ".net"
open(url) { |page| page_content = page.read()
puts "link exists"
puts "link does not exist"
I'm reading a file line by line and trying to remove the newline at the
end of each line so that I can rebuild the url with the "www" and the
".net" at the beginning and end. Does anyone know how I can remove the
newline char at the end of each line?
See String#chomp:
require "open-uri"
File.open("aaa.txt", "w") do |file|
file.print("hello\n", "world\n", "goodbye\n")
File.open("aaa.txt") do |file|
file.each do |line|
print line.chomp
I'm reading a file line by line and trying to remove the newline at the
end of each line so that I can rebuild the url with the "www" and the
".net" at the beginning and end. Does anyone know how I can remove the
newline char at the end of each line? Also if the url doesn't work/exist
I don't want the script to crash I want to keep moving through the file
its reading.
ri String#chomp
----------------------------------------------------------- String#chomp
str.chomp(separator=$/) => new_str
Returns a new String with the given record separator removed from
the end of str (if present). If $/ has not been changed from the
default Ruby record separator, then chomp also removes carriage
return characters (that is it will remove \n, \r, and \r\n).
Also if the url doesn't work/exist
I don't want the script to crash I want to keep moving through the file
its reading.
My isp redirects faulty urls to an error page, so all urls return a web
page. I think you're going to have to use Net::HTTP to look at the
headers of the response, and then take some action based on the header
Also if the url doesn't work/exist
I don't want the script to crash I want to keep moving through the file
its reading.
while (line = f.readline)
line = line =~ /(.*?)\n/
url = "www." + line + ".net"
open(url) { |page| page_content = page.read()
puts "link exists"
puts "link does not exist"
rescue EOFError
If your program is currently crashing on bad urls, you just need to put
the begin/rescue around the open statement---not outside your loop.
Something like this(untested):
while (line = f.readline)
line = line =~ /(.*?)\n/
url = "www." + line + ".net"
open(url) { |page| page_content = page.read() }
puts "link exists"
rescue Exception
puts "in rescue" #do nothing -- when you catch an exception the exception
goes away
Try changing the code to:
file_in = File.new("whatever")
file_in.each do |x|
url = x.chomp + ".net"
gud luck
Chuck Dawit wrote:
I'm reading a file line by line and trying to remove the newline at the
end of each line so that I can rebuild the url with the "www" and the
".net" at the beginning and end. Does anyone know how I can remove the
newline char at the end of each line? Also if the url doesn't work/exist
I don't want the script to crash I want to keep moving through the file
its reading.
while (line = f.readline)
line = line =~ /(.*?)\n/
url = "www." + line + ".net"
open(url) { |page| page_content = page.read()
puts "link exists"
puts "link does not exist"