On 6/1/08, Eric I. <rubytraining@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jun 1, 1:59 pm, Dan __ <major_general_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Eric I. wrote:
> > On Jun 1, 11:33�am, Dan __ <major_general_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >> Thanks very much Stefano �Thats exactly what I wanted, and it works
> >> great
> >> --
> >> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> > Hi Dan,
> > You're the expert in your the domain, and I obviously don't understand
> > the larger picture. But the idea of getting access to the data after
> > the colons at a later stage using indexing into the original string
> > sounds unnecessarily complex. So here's another approach.
> > If you run this, you'll see what you get at every step.
> > ====
> > s = "12343:3,73820:1,183874:8"
> > # break it up into an array of arrays of strings
> > a = s.split(',').map { |v| v.split(':') }
> > p a
> > # now you can do lots of
> > things
> > # just want the numbers before the
> > colons?
> > b1 = a.map { |v| v.first }
> > p b1
> > # want them as integers rather than
> > strings?
> > b2 = a.map { |v| v.first.to_i }
> > p b2
> > # want it as a string w/ commas? this seems to be part of your
> > original request
> > b3 = a.map { |v| v.first }.join(',')
> > p b3
> > # want to regenerate the original
> > string?
> > b4 = a.map { |v| v.join(':') }.join(',')
> > p b4
> > ====
> > Maybe (or maybe not) that's helpful....
> > Eric
> Hi Eric, thanks for the reply
> Your solution seems great for more complex data uses. However, I'm
> using this as part of a simple page-rating system in a Rails application
> right now. Basically, the number before the colon is the ID of a page
> that has been rated, and the number after the colon is the rating. The
> entire string stores every page and rating the user has ever given. So
> by splitting the string, and only looking at the number before the
> colon, I can compare the ID of the current page to the IDs of the pages
> the user has rated, and then display the rating they've given.
> It seems to me that both yours and Stephano's solutions are equally
> simple for what I'm using them for. If I had need to expand to a more
> complex system, I'd definitely use yours. I'm fairly positive that my
> use for the data won't expand beyond what it is now, and I've already
> got Stephano's solution implemented, so I'm gonna stick with that one
> Thanks very much for offering your solution to the problem though
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Hi Dan,
You are most welcome! You know, it sounds like what you need is a
Hash, indexed by ID with the ratings being the values. Lookup becomes
trivial then. And if this is a case where the user logs in to your
Rails app, you can pull this string from your DB, convert it to a
hash, and store it in the session, so you don't have to re-process
that string each time.
Here's some more code (pretty much unsolicited at this point, eh?)
respectfully offered for you to consider:
ratings = "12343:3,73820:1,183874:8"
ratings_array = ratings.split(/[,:]/).map { |str| str.to_i }
# we now have array w/ ids & ratings as integers (not strings)
# [12343, 3, 73820, 1, 183874,
ratings_by_id = Hash[*ratings_array]
# we convert that into a hash where keys are ids and values are
# {12343=>3, 183874=>8,
# and now we can look up an id and get either its rating or, if
# is no rating,
r1 = ratings_by_id[183874]
p r1 # prints 8
r2 = ratings_by_id[77777]
p r2 # prints nil
I converted all the data to integers, but you could leave them as
strings if that made more sense for your app. But integers are better
from a performance standpoint for hash look-up.
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Well, I am not sure if I should say anything at all after the BIG GUNs