RegExp Problem


I'm having a little trouble getting Ruby to match quotes correctly. Suppose I wanted to extract any quoted string followed by an exclamation point. I'd like my regular expression match either single or double quotes. I thought the following might work:

   re = /(['"])([^\1]*?)\1!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"this looks like \"fun\"!"

But as you can see instead of matching <"fun"!> it matched <"this looks like "fun"!>, despite the fact that I've told it to match anything but the character that was used to quote it:


It works beautifully if I tell it to match either single quotes or double quotes, but I can't write it to match either in a single regular expression:

   re = /"([^"]*?)"!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"fun\"!"


   re = /'([^']*?)'!/
   md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
   md[0] #=> "'fun'!"

Why does the first regex not do what I want?


John Long


It looks to me like backreferences are not available inside character
classes, because the backslash sequence is interpreted as a character.
So in a character class, \1 is the same as \001, commonly known as

irb(main):018:0> re = /(a)([\1]) test/
=> /(a)([\1]) test/
irb(main):019:0> md = re.match "aa test"
=> nil
irb(main):020:0> md = re.match "a test"
=> nil
irb(main):021:0> md = re.match "a1 test"
=> nil
irb(main):022:0> md = re.match "a\1 test"
=> #<MatchData:0x28460e8>
irb(main):023:0> md[0]
=> "a\001 test"
irb(main):024:0> md[1]
=> "a"
irb(main):025:0> md[2]
=> "\001"



On 5/24/06, John W. Long <> wrote:


I'm having a little trouble getting Ruby to match quotes correctly.
Suppose I wanted to extract any quoted string followed by an exclamation
point. I'd like my regular expression match either single or double
quotes. I thought the following might work:

   re = /(['"])([^\1]*?)\1!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"this looks like \"fun\"!"

But as you can see instead of matching <"fun"!> it matched <"this looks
like "fun"!>, despite the fact that I've told it to match anything but
the character that was used to quote it:


It works beautifully if I tell it to match either single quotes or
double quotes, but I can't write it to match either in a single regular

   re = /"([^"]*?)"!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"fun\"!"


   re = /'([^']*?)'!/
   md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
   md[0] #=> "'fun'!"

Why does the first regex not do what I want?

John Long

Is this for a sarcasm detector?



On 5/25/06, John W. Long <> wrote:

..Suppose I wanted to extract any quoted string followed by an exclamation

A LeDonne wrote:

It looks to me like backreferences are not available inside character
classes, because the backslash sequence is interpreted as a character.
So in a character class, \1 is the same as \001, commonly known as

irb(main):018:0> re = /(a)([\1]) test/
=> /(a)([\1]) test/
irb(main):019:0> md = re.match "aa test"
=> nil
irb(main):020:0> md = re.match "a test"
=> nil
irb(main):021:0> md = re.match "a1 test"
=> nil
irb(main):022:0> md = re.match "a\1 test"
=> #<MatchData:0x28460e8>
irb(main):023:0> md[0]
=> "a\001 test"
irb(main):024:0> md[1]
=> "a"
irb(main):025:0> md[2]
=> "\001"

That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?


John Long

Daniel Baird wrote:


On 5/25/06, John W. Long <> wrote:

..Suppose I wanted to extract any quoted string followed by an exclamation

Is this for a sarcasm detector?

LOL :slight_smile:

Actually my real problem was much more complex (matching quotes on HTML like tags), but this demonstrated the same problem.

John Long

Umm.... backwards?

irb(main):001:0> re = /!(['"]).*?\1/
=> /!(['"]).*?\1/
irb(main):002:0> fun = %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
=> " \"this looks like \"fun\"!\" "
irb(main):003:0> md = re.match fun.reverse
=> #<MatchData:0x2820660>
irb(main):004:0> md[0].reverse
=> "\"fun\"!"

This way, instead of trying to negate a character class, you're just
doing a non-greedy match from the anchored exclamation point - quote
mark combo to the first matching quote mark.



On 5/24/06, John W. Long <> wrote:

That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?

John Long

That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?

>> %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }[/(?:'[^']*?'|"[^"]*?")!/]
=> "\"fun\"!"
>> %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }[/(?:'[^']*?'|"[^"]*?")!/]
=> "'fun'!"

Hope that helps.

James Edward Gray II


On May 24, 2006, at 11:06 AM, John W. Long wrote:

John W. Long wrote:

That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?

I have something that works now:

   re = /(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?')!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"fun\"!"
   md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
   md[0] => "'fun'!"

Still, it makes me wonder if it's possible to do it with back references.


John Long

I don't think you can have backreference in character class. In this
case it's fairly easy. This is what I'd do

re = %r{
    '[^']+' |

Basically the same as what you did. But you do not need the
reluctanct quantifiers because the negated char class prevents longer
matches anyway. I'm not sure whether there is a performance

Kind regards



2006/5/24, John W. Long <>:

John W. Long wrote:
> That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?

I have something that works now:

   re = /(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?')!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"fun\"!"
   md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
   md[0] => "'fun'!"

Still, it makes me wonder if it's possible to do it with back references.

Have a look: Robert K. | Flickr

Still, it makes me wonder if it's possible to do it with back references.

I haven't played with Oniguruma yet, but it has named groups - maybe a
named backreference can be used in an Oniguruma character class, as \k
is unambiguous...

Anyone able to test?


OK, one more thought. Do you necessarily need it in md[0]? If not...

re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)*(.*\1!)/
md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "\"fun\"!"
md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "'fun'!"



On 5/24/06, John W. Long <> wrote:

John W. Long wrote:
> That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?

I have something that works now:

   re = /(?:"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?')!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
   md[0] #=> "\"fun\"!"
   md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
   md[0] => "'fun'!"

Still, it makes me wonder if it's possible to do it with back references.

John W. Long schrieb:

Still, it makes me wonder if it's possible to do it with back references.

John, you can use negative lookahead: /(['"])((?!\1).)*\1!/


> That makes perfect sense. So how do I get it to do what I want?
> --
> John Long

Umm.... backwards?

irb(main):001:0> re = /!(['"]).*?\1/
=> /!(['"]).*?\1/
irb(main):002:0> fun = %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
=> " \"this looks like \"fun\"!\" "
irb(main):003:0> md = re.match fun.reverse
=> #<MatchData:0x2820660>
irb(main):004:0> md[0].reverse
=> "\"fun\"!"

This way, instead of trying to negate a character class, you're just
doing a non-greedy match from the anchored exclamation point - quote
mark combo to the first matching quote mark.

I do not know if this is a performance killer (probably not ) but frankly I
do not care, this is one of the most original ideas I have ever seen on this
Just wanted to say this!
Really nice!


It was yours was it not? :wink:



On 5/24/06, A LeDonne <> wrote:

On 5/24/06, John W. Long <> wrote:

Deux choses sont infinies : l'univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l'univers, je n'en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.

- Albert Einstein

Better: re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)(.*\1!)/



On 5/24/06, A LeDonne <> wrote:

OK, one more thought. Do you necessarily need it in md[0]? If not...

re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)*(.*\1!)/
md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "\"fun\"!"
md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "'fun'!"


Robert Dober wrote:


On 5/24/06, A LeDonne <> wrote:

doing a non-greedy match from the anchored exclamation point - quote
mark combo to the first matching quote mark.

I do not know if this is a performance killer (probably not ) but
frankly I
do not care, this is one of the most original ideas I have ever seen on
Just wanted to say this!
Really nice!


It was yours was it not? :wink:

Thank you... I'm flattered!

Yes, it's mine. :wink:


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A LeDonne wrote:


On 5/24/06, A LeDonne <> wrote:

OK, one more thought. Do you necessarily need it in md[0]? If not...

re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)*(.*\1!)/
md = re.match %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "\"fun\"!"
md = re.match %{ 'this looks like 'fun'!' }
p md[1]<<md[2] #=> "'fun'!"


Better: re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)(.*\1!)/

But the point is to match any quoted expression followed by an exclamation point. The string:

   %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }

Is only to demonstrate an expression that I was having trouble greping. Your expression would require a quote and then a quoted expression followed by an exclamation point--not exactly what I was looking for.

John Long

John W. Long wrote:

A LeDonne wrote:


Better: re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)(.*\1!)/

But the point is to match any quoted expression followed by an
exclamation point. The string:

   %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }

Is only to demonstrate an expression that I was having trouble greping.
Your expression would require a quote and then a quoted expression
followed by an exclamation point--not exactly what I was looking for.

Ignore my "better". what I had the first time,

re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)*(.*\1!)/

was actually correct. That way, it requires zero or more intervening
matching quoty things. That's what I get for not writing unit tests



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John W. Long wrote:

A LeDonne wrote:


Better: re = /(['"])(?:.*\1)(.*\1!)/

But the point is to match any quoted expression followed by an
exclamation point. The string:

   %{ "this looks like "fun"!" }

Is only to demonstrate an expression that I was having trouble greping.
Your expression would require a quote and then a quoted expression
followed by an exclamation point--not exactly what I was looking for.


I wonder if this also does the job:

   re = /['"][\w\s]*\W*['"]!/
   md = re.match %{ "this looks like ' a fun test !? '!" }
   puts md[0]



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