Regex extraction


I'm writing an application that parses log files, specifically gaim html log files, extracts any links it finds and creates an RSS feed of those links. I have a working program that's about 60 lines of ruby, but it is far from perfect. Most of the necessary fixes and improvements are things I know how to do, but just take time. But there are a couple things I need help with.

First, in ruby, how do I extract parts of a regex? Let's use the example from my program. Normally I could use an expression like the following


And this would allow me to get the <url> out of the expression. But this doesn't seem to work in ruby, or at least I don't know how to make it work in ruby. What I would really like to do is match the entire <a href tag structure. I would want to extract: the protocol (ftp,http) the url (, and the text which appears between the <a> and the </a> into three string variables. And I have to extract this entire structure from any random line of text in which the structure either exists or does not. I'm guaranteed that it wont be partial i.e: an <a> without a </a>.

The other thing I don't know how to do is replace things like &amp; with &. Is there anything in the ruby standard library, maybe in rexml, that automatically takes care of all those standard entities for me? I looked, but I couldn't find one.

Thanks a lot,

Scott Rubin

"Scott Rubin" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag


I'm writing an application that parses log files, specifically gaim html


files, extracts any links it finds and creates an RSS feed of those

links. I

have a working program that's about 60 lines of ruby, but it is far from
perfect. Most of the necessary fixes and improvements are things I know

how to

do, but just take time. But there are a couple things I need help with.

First, in ruby, how do I extract parts of a regex? Let's use the

example from

my program. Normally I could use an expression like the following


And this would allow me to get the <url> out of the expression. But


doesn't seem to work in ruby, or at least I don't know how to make it

work in

ruby. What I would really like to do is match the entire <a href tag


  I would want to extract: the protocol (ftp,http) the url


and the text which appears between the <a> and the </a> into three


variables. And I have to extract this entire structure from any random

line of

text in which the structure either exists or does not. I'm guaranteed

that it

wont be partial i.e: an <a> without a </a>.

You need grouping. As a first shot:

if %r{<a\s+href="(\w+)://([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>}i =~ text
  proto, url, text = $1, $2, $3

The other thing I don't know how to do is replace things like &amp; with

&. Is

there anything in the ruby standard library, maybe in rexml, that


takes care of all those standard entities for me? I looked, but I

couldn't find


Dunno. But you can easily create that on your own:

ENT = {
  "amp" => "&",
  "gt" => ">",
  # ...

text.gsub!(%r{&(\w+);}i) {|m| ENT[$1] || m}

Kind regards


Scott Rubin wrote:

First, in ruby, how do I extract parts of a regex?

The other thing I don't know how to do is replace things like &amp;

with &.

require 'cgi'
CGI.unescapeHTML("&amp;") # => "&"

For extracting parts of the match, try
a, b, c = /(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc").captures


> The other thing I don't know how to do is replace things like &amp; with
&. Is
> there anything in the ruby standard library, maybe in rexml, that
> takes care of all those standard entities for me? I looked, but I
couldn't find
> one.

On replacing &amp; -- This code will replace a few other items that
begin with & (ampersand) and end with ; (semicolon) including what you
wish to accomplish.

text.gsub!(/&.*?;/m) { |i|
  case i
  when "&amp;"
  when "&nbsp;"
  when "&copy;"
  when "&#174;"
  when "&#147;"
  when "&#148;"
  when "&#183;"
  when "&middot;"
  when "&#8212;"
  end # case