>> Hello!
a='abc ded ghi'
>> p a.gsub('\w','B')
WHY not implement gsub(string,...) where string is the regex?
Three reasons:
1) If you don't want to have to deal with a regular expression and just
want to match the string, you can, without doing any regex escaping. Handy
when the string might look like a regexp (e.g. when it's part of a URL)
2) Because the Regexp class exists, so there's no need to coerce Strings.
If you want to do regex substitution, just use an instance of Regexp.
3) Because it's easier to implement if all Strings are replaced as-is, and
all Regexps are matched. There's no need to attempt to parse all Strings as
Regexps just in case they look like "/.../".
Also it's called 'gsub' for 'globally substitute', not 'preg_replace' for
'perl-compatible regular expression engine replace'. Not all replaced
things are regexps, or even regexp-like.
=> nothing found
>> p a.gsub(/\w/,'B')
>> => BBBBBB...
>> how that?!
>> Does match \w an "emtpy" character?
irb(main):001:0> a='abc def ghi'
=> "abc def ghi"
irb(main):002:0> a.gsub(/\w/,'B')
>> what does regex as replacement?
>> What can be used for $1 $2 ... in gsub ?
>> e.g. /(ab)(c)/ => "cab" # want $2$1
IT'S confusing that once it is $1, once it is \1
is a special global variable, and
is a substitution sequence in a string, so they're really quite different.
Note that you do have options available to you:
'bar'.gsub(/a(.)/, '@\1')
'bar'.gsub(/a(.)/) { |match| '@' + match[1] }
'bar'.gsub(/a(.)/) { '@' + $1 }
> Have you read Class: String (Ruby 2.3.0)
Class: Regexp (Ruby 2.3.0) ?
They will at least get you started.
>> When to use, what is (knowing regex):
>> /:alnum:+/ # wrong?
>> /[:alnum:]+/
>> and /[[:alnum:]+]/ or ...:]]+/ # ??
>> same is [\w]+ ?
IN an old example I found [:...:] seems this is wrong.
Wouldnt it be nicer than [[:...:]] ?
The simple response here is: don't use an old example.
I believe the POSIX bracket expressions use double-brackets so they can be
distinguished from non-POSIX bracket expressions:
irb(main):001:0> 'abc:def'.gsub(/[:alnum:]/, '_')
=> "_bc_def"
irb(main):002:0> 'abc:def'.gsub(/[[:alnum:]]/, '_')
=> "___:___"
Also remember: /[[:alnum:]]/ and /\w/ are different. The former is strictly
alphabetic and numeric characters (includes Unicode, excludes underscore)
while the latter is [a-zA-Z0-9_]
>> Is there a definition for
>> [:alnum:äÄ..
üÜßčàáâ₣éšç...] # including all 'Umlauts' ?
I Couldnt find any. Perhaps s.o. who wants to implement this?
From the Regexp doc [http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.0/Regexp.html\]:
Ruby also supports the following non-POSIX character classes:
On 3 February 2016 at 23:11, A Berger <aberger7890@gmail.com> wrote:
Am 03.02.2016 10:43 schrieb "Mike Stok" <mike@stok.ca>:
>> On Feb 3, 2016, at 3:29 AM, A Berger <aberger7890@gmail.com> wrote:
/[[:word:]]/ - A character in one of the following Unicode general
categories*Letter*, *Mark*, *Number*, *Connector_Punctuation*
/[[:ascii:]]/ - A character in the ASCII character set"
irb(main):001:0> 'ü'.match( /[[:word:]]/ )
=> #<MatchData "ü">
irb(main):002:0> 'ü'.match( /[[:alnum:]]/ )
=> #<MatchData "ü">
>> Is there a method for str=~/b/
>> sg. like. "abc".re("b") ?
> [1] pry(main)> "abc".match(/b/)
> => #<MatchData "b">
> [2] pry(main)> "abc".match(/x/)
> => nil
SO it seems there is no method str.xxx(regex) like =~ (returning the
Yep, it's:
"abc" =~ regex
# or if you really want dots and parens:
Incidentally, a quick scan of the doc for String also gives:
Please remember to read the documentation first; it's generally of a pretty
high quality. We're happy to answer questions and help clear up confusion
if you've done the initial groundwork yourself.
Matthew Kerwin