Reformatting a text file that has some binary in it

I have never worked with binary before and after trying to solve this
problem for 3 hours im turning to the community for help

i have a text file which has entries comprised of a key written in
binary and its values written in strings (you can see an exerpt below).

I need to parse the binary and transform it into human readable hex and
parse its associated info. My reg exps dont seem to be behaving and im
wondering if its me or if its this binary text that is causing mischief
somehow. Heres a sample item

20: 琮祺ア・・キ・Ge聊まd8:completei7e10:downloadedi2046e10:incompletei1ee

binary parts are always enclosed between "20:" and "d8:complete" where
the 8 can be any integer(s) e.g. 5 or 23.

str ='textfile.txt' , 'r').readlines.join
str.gsub!(/(20:)(.*?)(d\d+:)/m) do |x|
$1 + $2.unpack('H*').join + $3

The above works for some but not all of the text. It seeems to go beyond
the "d8:complete" marker

Heres a bigger sample set if needs be. Any tips or pointers would be
greatly appreciated.

6皀ネ・ 涇jュ・w・d8:completei0e10:downloadedi72602e10:incompletei1ee20:
}tェスh>・モ送榎ラd8:completei3e10:downloadedi7718e10:incompletei2ee20: 架C
incノ・U]~鼡鐐僘< d8:completei3e10:downloadedi533e10:incompletei0ee20:
Yjスゥホd ヒ ヨ]豆ud8:completei0e10:downloadedi154e10:incompletei1ee20:
u ≡axBニz<縊3d8:completei3e10:downloadedi700e10:incompletei7ee20:
u[約・eム泱@2 ウ4ァトd8:completei0e10:downloadedi658e10:incompletei3ee20:
ィレY#億Uホ "ーF絖bヌawd8:completei6e10:downloadedi39010e10:incompletei2ee20:
ョ3・・Lサ エ)サモ.G單8:completei2e10:downloadedi474e10:incompletei0ee20:
ナ・篠レ殱  0h・qgd8:completei3e10:downloadedi17686e10:incompletei0ee20:
ヘヘ・ 4ヤI・{-u)マア・bd8:completei3e10:downloadedi4878e10:incompletei2ee20:
jetei4e10:downloadedi12601e10:incompletei0ee20:aソ・リ制ユ \゚?@。㌧8:completei3e10:downloadedi1005e10:incompletei0ee20:ctaオ@訣+@・
漸穆ヤ+¦ノh・!d8:completei3e10:downloadedi2874e10:incompletei1ee20:ゥ゚l,8H皺ネ溝椿kャ{鹽8:completei55e10:downloadedi10735e10:incompletei82ee20:ォホ~ pヘ・(Q㎞8?uL^4d8:completei2e10:downloadedi140e10:incompletei0ee20:ッィ症「慙。U、f・8:completei0e10:downloadedi368e10:incompletei3ee20:オホE・d1カス・qQBWd8:completei6e10:downloadedi7221e10:incompletei9ee20:サコヨ,メtQ_ワマ`テ(ハd8:completei3e10:downloadedi1536e10:incompletei21ee20:ヒS・チel%~シュ,yロbd8:completei1e10:downloadedi111e10:incompletei1ee20:ホBd



can anyone help


Posted via\.

I suspect this is an encoding issue. If your data is UTF-8, this code may work for you:

   data ='textfile.txt')
   data.scan(/(20:)(.*?)(d\d+:)/um) do |start, bin, finish|
     p start + bin.unpack('H*').join + finish

I'm guessing though.

If you want to read more about what I believe is causing you problems, you may find my m17n series of blog posts helpful:

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 15, 2009, at 8:19 AM, Adam Akhtar wrote:

i have a text file which has entries comprised of a key written in
binary and its values written in strings (you can see an exerpt below).

I need to parse the binary and transform it into human readable hex and
parse its associated info. My reg exps dont seem to be behaving and im
wondering if its me or if its this binary text that is causing mischief
somehow. Heres a sample item

20: 琮祺ア・・キ・Ge聊まd8:completei7e10:downloadedi2046e10:incompletei1ee

binary parts are always enclosed between "20:" and "d8:complete" where
the 8 can be any integer(s) e.g. 5 or 23.

str ='textfile.txt' , 'r').readlines.join
str.gsub!(/(20:)(.*?)(d\d+:)/m) do |x|
$1 + $2.unpack('H*').join + $3

The above works for some but not all of the text. It seeems to go beyond
the "d8:complete" marker

Ahh i didnt know you could use scan like that with blocks and
variables...thats going to come in very handy indeed.

Ill give that a go - many thanks James!


Posted via

Oh and your blog post looks good too, just started reading it.


Posted via

You probably realise this, but for the benefit of newbies, there are
three different things going on there. Firstly, if the regexp passed
to scan has groups, the returned values are arrays with one element
per group (corresponding to $1, $2, ...). Secondly, if you pass a
block to scan, it yields its return values one by one, rather than
just accumulating them into an array. Thirdly, if you yield multiple
values to a block, the block can capture them either as an array, or
in multiple parameters. The beauty of ruby is how well all these
different features fit together to give the elegant scan syntax.



On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Adam Akhtar <> wrote:

Ahh i didnt know you could use scan like that with blocks and
variables...thats going to come in very handy indeed.

Great. I hope it helps.

James Edward Gray II


On Apr 15, 2009, at 5:30 PM, Adam Akhtar wrote:

Oh and your blog post looks good too, just started reading it.

Im back again and pretty confused as to why my regexp still is
overshooting the mark.

I want my regexp /(20:)(.*?)(d\d+:complete.+?incomplete.+?ee)/ium

to get everything between and including 20: and ee i.e. from the first
line of the sample at the bottom of this message id want want this

20: a€0テ ・aュリ:$ ゥD€・d8:completei0e10:downloadedi772e10:incompletei1ee

but sometimes it overshoots and does something like this
20: a€0テ ・aュリ:$

and I cant figure out why? In my notepad plus editor i have it set to
display line feeds and carriage returns. Soemtimes in the binary parts
it displays an lf symbol. In binary does lf serve as a representation
for a new line or it just used to represent data (bytes etc) - could it
be that thats tripping up rubys regexp engine?

I load the data text file like so
data ="text.txt", "rb").readlines

Is there something im doing wrong?

sample from the data text file

20: a€0テ ・aュリ:$
}tェスh>・モ送榎ラd8:completei4e10:downloadedi7724e10:incompletei5ee20: 架C
incノ・U]~鼡・`僘< d8:completei5e10:downloadedi536e10:incompletei0ee20:
u[約・eム泱@2 ウ4ァトd8:completei2e10:downloadedi659e10:incompletei5ee20:


Posted via

Im thoroughly confused and have spent a good 10 hours getting nowhere
fast. Im gong to throw my monitor against the wall!

I have a file with text like the stuff in posts above. I dont create the
file, its given to me as a standard text file. I dont know how it is
encoded. Im assuming utf-8. There is your standard readable english
lower 128 ascii and then there are bits of garbled crap that are
supposed to be binary.

I do the following


then i do

data_a ='mn-scrape.txt')
data_b ="mn-scrape.txt", "rb").readlines.join("")
data_a.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 170799 )
data_b.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 767702 )

why are they different?
When I look in notepad++ viewing the file under the utf-8 encoding it
says the num of characters is 767702 which is nearly 4 times bigger that
the .read version

Why is this happening?

What is the correct way to open this type of file? Any help whatsoever
will be a great great great help!


Posted via

anyone, im begging :wink:

if im not being clear please say and ill answer any questions you have


Posted via


Forum and e-mail cut & paste is iffy... is there somewhere you could
post all or part of one of these source files? Is it possible that
these inline binary blobs are actually all the same number of bytes?



On Apr 23, 5:05 am, Adam Akhtar <> wrote:

anyone, im begging :wink:

if im not being clear please say and ill answer any questions you have
Posted via

ahh should have thought about that. here is a souce file



Posted via

I think regexp is the wrong way to do this. Since this is a binary file format a regexp is unlikely to give you real data. Scanning seems to work out better. Where did you get this data?

It seems to have the following format in pseudo EBNF:

record: digit+ ":" <N bytes of data> stuff
stuff: "d" | "i" N+ "e" "e"?

Instead of using Regexp, use StringScanner or just read by hand like I do below.

Here's what I tried:

irb(main):001:0> io = open 'mini-scrape.txt'
=> #<File:mini-scrape.txt>
irb(main):002:0> 1
=> "2"
irb(main):003:0> 1
=> "0"
irb(main):004:0> 1
=> ":"

# I'm guessing "20:" says read 20 bytes, let's see where that puts us:

irb(main):005:0> 20
=> " \f\373j\342Q\261\201E\201E\267\201EG\e\343\326\202\334"

# ok...

irb(main):006:0> 1
=> "d"

# I don't know what "d" means, but carrying on:

irb(main):007:0> 1
=> "8"
irb(main):008:0> 1
=> ":"

# "8:", let's read 8 bytes:

irb(main):009:0> 8
=> "complete"

# ok, looking good

irb(main):010:0> 1
=> "i"
irb(main):011:0> 1
=> "9"
irb(main):012:0> 1
=> "e"

# dunno what "i9e" could be

irb(main):013:0> 1
=> "1"
irb(main):014:0> 1
=> "0"
irb(main):015:0> 1
=> ":"

# "10:", read 10 bytes:

irb(main):016:0> 10
=> "downloaded"

# ok...

irb(main):017:0> 1
=> "i"
irb(main):018:0> 1
=> "2"
irb(main):019:0> 1
=> "0"
irb(main):020:0> 1
=> "6"
irb(main):021:0> 1
=> "4"
irb(main):022:0> 1
=> "e"

# dunno what "i2064e", but maybe it downloaded 2064 bytes and the previous one was complete in 9 somethings

irb(main):023:0> 1
=> "1"
irb(main):024:0> 1
=> "0"
irb(main):025:0> 1
=> ":"

# read 10 bytes, another string:

irb(main):026:0> 10
=> "incomplete"


On Apr 23, 2009, at 15:51, Adam Akhtar wrote:

ahh should have thought about that. here is a souce file


I guess the following code will work for you.

str ='mini-scrape.txt' , 'rb').read
str = str.split(/(20:)/).map{|x|x.gsub(/(.+?)(d\d+:)/){$1.unpack('H*').join+$2}}.join


Park Heesob


2009/4/24 Adam Akhtar <>:

ahh should have thought about that. here is a souce file


Thanks for all your responses.

I think regexp is the wrong way to do this. Since this is a binary
file format a regexp is unlikely to give you real data. Scanning
seems to work out better. Where did you get this data?

Im confused about binary file format. Is UTF-8 and binary file format
two seperate things? I thought binary was just represented by unicode?

Why would the regexp trip up at the binary part if i tell it the
encoding is UTF-8?

Also with read() isnt that dangerous with Unicode text? Can I assume
that all characters are only 1 byte wide?

The file is bencoded (i think its like yaml in some respects).


Posted via\.

well ive found some stuff out re: binary format.

I was getting confused re: the "b" switch in"file", "rb") (as
in "r**b**")

I thought this was needed to tell ruby we were dealing with some funky
"binary" file but its a lot simpler than that. There is no special
binary file format (that im aware of). Binary is just written to a file
as text is but in unicode (im assuming).

So why then do we have to set the "b" for binary mode flag in the ?
Sometimes binary can have the ^Z character in it. As binary its doing
nothing more than any other character- representing some information but
in windows that character represents end of file. expects text files so if it comes accross ^Z it will stop
reading even if the text is actually representing binary. To stop ruby
doing that you use "b" in your call to .open.

This is a windows only issue apparently.

This will explain why i was getting different lengths with

data_a ='mn-scrape.txt')
data_b ="mn-scrape.txt", "rb").readlines.join("")
data_a.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 170799 )
data_b.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 767702 )


Posted via

Thanks for all your responses.

I think regexp is the wrong way to do this. Since this is a binary
file format a regexp is unlikely to give you real data. Scanning
seems to work out better. Where did you get this data?

Im confused about binary file format. Is UTF-8 and binary file format
two seperate things? I thought binary was just represented by unicode?

They are separate things. A UTF-8 character that spans multiple bytes has a special bit pattern across its multiple bytes. A binary file can have any format.

Why would the regexp trip up at the binary part if i tell it the
encoding is UTF-8?

It doesn't matter what the encoding is, in a binary file you don't have any guarantees that one of your markers won't show up in the middle of a binary chunk. There's no reason "20:" or "8:" or anything couldn't show up inside the chunk of random data.

Also with read() isnt that dangerous with Unicode text? Can I assume
that all characters are only 1 byte wide?

Correct, but I don't think this file is in any Unicode encoding. The individual chunks of binary data may be, but overall the file appears not to be.

The file is bencoded (i think its like yaml in some respects).

Yes, a binary file format is like yaml, in this case you have the "20:", "8:", etc that tell you how far to read (I'm guessing).


On Apr 24, 2009, at 00:54, Adam Akhtar wrote:

I think regexp is the wrong way to do this. Since this is a binary
file format a regexp is unlikely to give you real data. Scanning
seems to work out better. Where did you get this data?

Can you tell me why regular expressions are bad for this? Although the
text represents binary, its just text at the end of the day. And if i
know in advance that the binary starts after a :20 and ends before a
d\d+ is there any reason why
/:20.+?d\d+/ wouldnt work?

I looked at StringScanner but that seems to use regular experssion to
scan though.

What confuses me re: reg expressions is if I do something like"some-file", "rb") do |data|
text =

text =~ /(.{20})/um
=> "d5:filesd20:\000\006呪・

Notice that the result doesnt show 20 characters and it doesnt end with
the expected " that irb uses to enclose results...whys that?


Posted via\.

well ive found some stuff out re: binary format.

I was getting confused re: the "b" switch in"file", "rb") (as
in "r**b**")

I thought this was needed to tell ruby we were dealing with some funky
"binary" file but its a lot simpler than that. There is no special
binary file format (that im aware of). Binary is just written to a file
as text is but in unicode (im assuming).

In windows and on ruby 1.9 the 'b' flag says not to perform any conversions of bytes to characters on the text, that's all. Just leave it as a stream of bytes.

So why then do we have to set the "b" for binary mode flag in the ?
Sometimes binary can have the ^Z character in it. As binary its doing
nothing more than any other character- representing some information but
in windows that character represents end of file.

Yes, ^Z is the NULL byte "\0" on windows. expects text files so if it comes accross ^Z it will stop
reading even if the text is actually representing binary. To stop ruby
doing that you use "b" in your call to .open.

It'll also convert line endings, losing data that should be in a binary file.

This is a windows only issue apparently.

It is also an issue on ruby 1.9 for any platform, but for different reasons. Ruby will perform other character conversions.

This will explain why i was getting different lengths with

data_a ='mn-scrape.txt')
data_b ="mn-scrape.txt", "rb").readlines.join("")
data_a.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 170799 )
data_b.scan(/./m).length ( ==> 767702 )



On Apr 24, 2009, at 03:49, Adam Akhtar wrote:

I think regexp is the wrong way to do this. Since this is a binary
file format a regexp is unlikely to give you real data. Scanning
seems to work out better. Where did you get this data?

Can you tell me why regular expressions are bad for this? Although the
text represents binary, its just text at the end of the day. And if i
know in advance that the binary starts after a :20 and ends before a
d\d+ is there any reason why
/:20.+?d\d+/ wouldnt work?

(I think you mean "20:")

It will incorrectly match this stream of text, losing data:


A /d\d/ could happen in the middle of that binary chunk. You're just lucky that it hasn't shown up.

I looked at StringScanner but that seems to use regular experssion to
scan though.

Yes, but they are all anchored at the front so you can choose what to do:

require 'strscan'

open 'mini-scrape.txt', 'rb' do |io|
   s =

   # look for any number of digits followed by a ":" at the scan pointer
   len = s.scan(/\d+:/).to_i # #to_i ignores the ":"

   # now the scan pointer has moved to the start of the binary data
   # so we can read the length of bytes out
   data = s.scan(/.{#{len.to_i}}/m) # m flag makes . match newlines, don't use the u flag

   p :data => data

   p :next => s.string[s.pos, 20]

   # what's next in the stream is a "d" followed by another length specifier,
   # so let's read in the "d" even though I don't know what to do with it
   case s.peek 1
   when 'd' then

   # add your own cases here for other thingys that show up.
     raise "unknown thingy #{s.peek 1}"

   # you'll probably want to put a loop around this, which will start over reading
   # another length specifier and a chunk of data

If you wrap this in a loop you can easily continue extending it until it handles your entire file.

What confuses me re: reg expressions is if I do something like"some-file", "rb") do |data|
text =

text =~ /(.{20})/um
=> "d5:filesd20:\000\006呪・

Notice that the result doesnt show 20 characters and it doesnt end with
the expected " that irb uses to enclose results...whys that?

This probably is the fault of your terminal. Remember you're working in bytes (8 bits wide) not UTF-8 characters (which may be up to 6 bytes long). One of the characters is probably overwriting the the closing ".


On Apr 24, 2009, at 04:39, Adam Akhtar wrote:

Many Thanks everybody for your help on the matter, especially Eric who
has replied so many times.

I took a break from the pc over the weekend and i came back to the
problem with a fresh head and managed to achieve what i wanted using the
information posted by yourselves.

Thank you all so much again.


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