Redef undef'ed methods?

How "final" is a call to undef_method? Is there any way to get the
method back, ie. hook it up to the class again?

function/method pointer is set to 0 and there is no way from Ruby to
access the original value for that pointer again (unless you have
extracted "it" earlier with one of the "*method" methods). Is this
analysis correct?

If so code like

module Kernel
  [:eval, :system, :exec, :callcc, :`, # `
   :set_trace_func, :sleep, :syscall].each do |m|
    undef_method m

class Module
  [:module_eval, :class_eval,
   :define_method, :method, :instance_method,
   :private_class_method].each do |m|
    undef_method m

class Object
  [:instance_eval].each {|m| undef_method m}

etc would give a possibility for a kind of simple, fine-grained
"sandboxing"? (I'm not implying you should do this instead of
tainting/SAFE-levels etc, just exploring possibilities)


Robert Feldt


From my understanding of the C code it seems impossible since the

Robert Feldt wrote:

How "final" is a call to undef_method? Is there any way to get the
method back, ie. hook it up to the class again?

etc would give a possibility for a kind of simple, fine-grained
"sandboxing"? (I'm not implying you should do this instead of
tainting/SAFE-levels etc, just exploring possibilities)

_why is using this already with great success for his TryRuby sandbox. I'm not sure if there is ways around it, but it seems quite unlikely.

But you will definitely have to make sure that there is no way of loading C extensions. It would be possible to get back the original functions that way and do even worse.



alias_method :b, :a
    undef_method :a


class A
    alias_method :a, :b

Obviously I missed something ;)!



On 3/31/06, Florian Groß <> wrote:

class A

Deux choses sont infinies : l'univers et la bêtise humaine ; en ce qui
concerne l'univers, je n'en ai pas acquis la certitude absolue.

- Albert Einstein

Yes, that will work around. Also you can do it with define_method if
you have a handle to the undef'ed method. However, these "holes" can
be covered by undef'ing more methods (ie alias_method etc) so it might
still be a useful technique for some situations.


Robert Feldt


On 3/31/06, Robert Dober <> wrote:

On 3/31/06, Florian Groß <> wrote:
> class A
   alias_method :b, :a
    undef_method :a


class A
    alias_method :a, :b

Obviously I missed something ;)!

Robert Feldt wrote:

Yes, that will work around. Also you can do it with define_method if
you have a handle to the undef'ed method. However, these "holes" can
be covered by undef'ing more methods (ie alias_method etc) so it might
still be a useful technique for some situations.

Or by undefing the methods before anyone has a chance of creating aliases or using .instance_method()? :slight_smile:

