Recursion is not working well


I wrote a recursion as follows:

s = :split_this_world_game
def brk(start,s)
ar = []
cp = (s =~ /[_]/)
ss = s[start + 1,cp] if cp != nil
return s if cp == nil
return ar.push(brk(cp,s[cp+1,s.size - ss.size])).flatten
p brk(-1,s)

The above code output:

["split", "orld", "_game", "game"]

But I wanted it as : ["split","this","world","game"]

Can anyone help me to find out where I did the wrong?


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Finally I fixed it:

s = :split_this_game_world
def brk(s)
ar = []
cp = (s =~ /[_]/)
ss = s[0...cp] if cp != nil
return s if cp == nil
return ar.push(brk(s[cp+1,s.size - ss.size])).flatten
p brk(s)

#=>["split", "this", "game", "world"]

Can this code be shorten or more Rubystic(obviously not converting the
symbol to String in first place)?


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Yes! I made it till now:

s = :split_this_game_world
def brk(s)
cp = (s =~ /[_]/)
ss = s[0...cp] if cp != nil
return s.to_sym if cp == nil
return [].push(ss.to_sym,brk(s[cp+1,s.size - ss.size])).flatten
p brk(s)

#=> [:split, :this, :game, :world]

Is it possible to make it more shorter?


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If you don't need recursion...

[1] pry(main)> def brk(s)
[1] pry(main)* s.to_s.split(/_/).map &:to_sym
[1] pry(main)* end
=> nil
[2] pry(main)> brk(:split_this_game_world)
=> [:split, :this, :game, :world]



On 2013-05-08, at 8:24 AM, Love U Ruby <> wrote:

Yes! I made it till now:

s = :split_this_game_world
def brk(s)
cp = (s =~ /[_]/)
ss = s[0...cp] if cp != nil
return s.to_sym if cp == nil
return .push(ss.to_sym,brk(s[cp+1,s.size - ss.size])).flatten
p brk(s)

#=> [:split, :this, :game, :world]

Is it possible to make it more shorter?

Posted via\.


Mike Stok <>

The "`Stok' disclaimers" apply.

Shorter is not automatically better.

Your variable and method names are too short (!)
and make reading of that code really painful.

My recursive version (for strings, not symbols):

   def split_string(string)
     first, rest = string.split('_', 2)
     return [first] unless rest

     [first] + split_string(rest)

   => ["this", "is", "a", "test"]

More rubyish and even shorter (probably as short as possible)
but not recursive:




Am 08.05.2013 14:24, schrieb Love U Ruby:

Yes! I made it till now:

s = :split_this_game_world
def brk(s)
  cp = (s =~ /[_]/)
  ss = s[0...cp] if cp != nil
  return s.to_sym if cp == nil
  return .push(ss.to_sym,brk(s[cp+1,s.size - ss.size])).flatten
p brk(s)

#=> [:split, :this, :game, :world]

Is it possible to make it more shorter?


:split_this_world_game.to_s.split( '_' )
regex no parens:

:split_this_world_game.to_s.split /_/

