I am using U.Nakamura’s mswin32 Ruby 1.8.0. When I installed it and
tried to use irb, I got an error “readline.dll not found”. (Irb works
fine once you ok the message.) Chris Morris has previously noted this
in this list (ruby-talk#76180,
and was kind enough to email me the required dll.
However, although the error message goes away once the dll is
installed, I am now unable to write certain characters from my
Swedish/Finnish keyboard. Any characters accessed using Alt Gr do not
work. These include $,{,[,] and }, so it becomes rather difficult to
write any useful ruby!
I get the same issue with the readline.dll provided with ActiveScript
Does anyone know anything about this problem - what is readline.dll
used for and is there any way to pass configuration to it to accept
the kind of keyboard I have?
± S.D.Sykes - http://www.stephensykes.com