Aha! Yes it was something old.
It opened the file with append..
And, sorry for all the questions.. (im really trying to learn)
But is there any thing like this in ruby?
--VB code--
If InStr(1, Text1.Text, "String to find", 1) > 0 Then Msgbox "I found
the string!"
( If InStr(Start,String1,String2,CompareMode)>0 Then Msgbox "I found
the string!")
Does VB index strings starting with 1?
For very simple seaching, use String#include?
>> "foobar".include? "ooba"
=> true
If you want to check if there's a substring to be found -after- (and not including) the second character, for example, then I'd use a substring:
>> "foobar"[2..-1].include? "ooba"
=> false
>> "foobar"[2..-1].include? "obar"
=> true
What VB's CompareMode is, I have no idea. Case sensitivity? If so, I'd personally manually use String#downcase in the conditional.
And, of course, there's always regular expressions, the swiss army knife of string searching, but those are for a longer discussion and you can probably find material for those out there that explains them rather nicely.
David Vallner
On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 23:55:05 +0200, fabsy <fabbyfabs@gmail.com> wrote: