Reading rd-files

Download and install "rdtool", which you can find on the RAA. Then just
run the "rd" command over the files in RD format. That will generate
HTML (by default - you can convert it to other formats as well).




-----Original Message-----
From: David Jacobs []
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:02 AM
To: ruby-talk ML
Subject: reading rd-files


I'm using Ruby-GNOME2. The reference of the API is available
on the internet, but I would like to read it off-line.
There's a tarball available of the reference in RD format. But...

How do I read those files? Can I convert them easely to
.html-files (or other formats)? There's little info directly
findable on the internet...



2005/6/23, Berger, Daniel <>:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Jacobs []
> There's a tarball available of the reference in RD format. But...
> How do I read those files? Can I convert them easely to
> .html-files (or other formats)? There's little info directly
> findable on the internet...

Download and install "rdtool", which you can find on the RAA. Then just
run the "rd" command over the files in RD format. That will generate
HTML (by default - you can convert it to other formats as well).

Indeed! Thanks!