Read text and binary files

Some one just wrote: "we're hungry for some actual Ruby discussion." So
here's my question worthy of 2¢ of all ya'll's time (but not much more).

I was playing around and thinking I'd like to look at files and see what
sort of UNICODE characters are in each and how many. I was using this to
validate some data files that were sent to use before I attempted to upload
to the database.

Using Perl I was able to do this

\\\\\\ perl incomplete snippet /////
use open IO => ':utf8'; # all I/O in utf8
no warnings 'utf8'; # but ignore utf-8 warnings
binmode( STDIN, ":utf8" );
binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );
binmode( STDERR, ":utf8" );
use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';

open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or die "Unable to open $file - $!\n";
while ( $line = <$fh> ) {
  my @chars = split( //, $line );
  foreach my $char ( @chars )
///// perl incomplete snippet \\\\\\

\\\\\\ perl output /////
   Dec Hex Letter Count Desc

     1 9 0x0009 [HT] 2 C0 Control Character - Horizontal
Tabulation (^I \t)
     2 10 0x000A [LF] 332 C0 Control Character - Line Feed (^J \n)
     3 32 0x0020 [SP] 1,821 Space
     4 33 0x0021 [!] 7 EXCLAMATION MARK
     5 34 0x0022 ["] 42 QUOTATION MARK
///// perl output \\\\\\\

Ok, so now I want to try the same in ruby. Where the perl script above can
read text and binary files, the ruby snippet below can only do text files.
The reason I'd like to have it read binary files, there are some bad files
occasionally sent with characters that define it as binary. I'd like to
respond to the vendor with which extraneous characters they have included
in the file and which line it is on.

I though of doing "rb:utf-8:-" on the, but that didn't work

Any ideas?

\\\\\\ ruby /////
​#! /usr/bin/env ruby​
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require "unicode_utils" fn, "r:utf-8:-" ) do |input|

  input.each_line do |line|
    line.each_char do |c|

puts UnicodeUtils.char_name( c )
///// ruby \\\\\\\




I am not so familiar with unicode but the difference with binary and
textfiles is that in binary-mode every byte which is not ascii is presented
as \x.. so also the unicode characters are presented as 2 or more \x..

Maybe you can read the string first as binary and use the method
force_encoding (
Class: String (Ruby 2.0.0)) to set it
to utf-8.

How many files do you have to examine?

best regards


2014-06-30 19:14 GMT+02:00 Eric Peterson <>:

Some one just wrote: "we're hungry for some actual Ruby discussion." So
here's my question worthy of 2¢ of all ya'll's time (but not much more).

I was playing around and thinking I'd like to look at files and see what
sort of UNICODE characters are in each and how many. I was using this to
validate some data files that were sent to use before I attempted to upload
to the database.

Using Perl I was able to do this

\\\\\\ perl incomplete snippet /////
use open IO => ':utf8'; # all I/O in utf8
no warnings 'utf8'; # but ignore utf-8 warnings
binmode( STDIN, ":utf8" );
binmode( STDOUT, ":utf8" );
binmode( STDERR, ":utf8" );
use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';

open( my $fh, '<', $file ) or die "Unable to open $file - $!\n";
while ( $line = <$fh> ) {
  my @chars = split( //, $line );
  foreach my $char ( @chars )
///// perl incomplete snippet \\\\\\

\\\\\\ perl output /////
   Dec Hex Letter Count Desc

     1 9 0x0009 [HT] 2 C0 Control Character - Horizontal
Tabulation (^I \t)
     2 10 0x000A [LF] 332 C0 Control Character - Line Feed (^J
     3 32 0x0020 [SP] 1,821 Space
     4 33 0x0021 [!] 7 EXCLAMATION MARK
     5 34 0x0022 ["] 42 QUOTATION MARK
///// perl output \\\\\\\

Ok, so now I want to try the same in ruby. Where the perl script above
can read text and binary files, the ruby snippet below can only do text
files. The reason I'd like to have it read binary files, there are some
bad files occasionally sent with characters that define it as binary. I'd
like to respond to the vendor with which extraneous characters they have
included in the file and which line it is on.

I though of doing "rb:utf-8:-" on the, but that didn't work

Any ideas?

\\\\\\ ruby /////
​#! /usr/bin/env ruby​
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require "unicode_utils" fn, "r:utf-8:-" ) do |input|

  input.each_line do |line|
    line.each_char do |c|

puts UnicodeUtils.char_name( c )
///// ruby \\\\\\\


You were pretty close:

$ ruby -e '"xx", "rb") {|io| p io.external_encoding}'

ASCII-8BIT is binary:

$ ruby -e 'p Encoding::BINARY'

For comparison

$ ruby -e '"xx", "r") {|io| p io.external_encoding}'

Does that help?

Kind regards



On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 7:14 PM, Eric Peterson <> wrote:

I though of doing "rb:utf-8:-" on the, but that didn't work

Any ideas?

[guy, jim].each {|him| remember.him do |as, often| as.you_can - without end}