Re: Ruby Quiz - Challenge #16 - Build the Manuscripts Book Manifest for Documents in Markdown

$ ruby test.rb
Run options: --seed 11990
Finished in 0.004181s, 239.1899 runs/s, 239.1899 assertions/s.
1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Reprising the tree-based solution from Challenge #6:

  require 'tree'

  def build(txt)
    _d(_f(_h(txt))).to_yaml #tap{|y| puts y}

  def _d(r) do |c|
      (g = _d(c)).size > 0 \
      ? {'title' =>[1], 'sections' => g} \
      : {'title' =>[1]}

  def _f(h, n =[0, nil]))
    return n.root unless h[0]

    c =[0])

    case h[0][0] <=>[0]
    when 1
      n << c
    when 0
      n.parent << c
      n.parent.parent << c

    _f(h[1..-1], c)

  def _h(txt)
    .reject{|line| line =~ /^```/ ... line =~ /^```/ ? true : nil}
    .map{|l| l.match(/^(#+)\s+(.*)\s*$/); [$1.length, $2.delete(?")]}


On 2020-01-24 13:49, Gerald Bauer wrote:

Challenge #16 - quiz/016 at master · planetruby/quiz · GitHub


  Welcome back. Prosit 2020!

Reprising the tree-based solution from Challenge #6:

Great to see that you remember the Ruby Quiz Challenge #6 from last
year that only included the first phase (parsing the structured text)
without the second phase (code generation).

  Hard to compete with your solution. Looks great. Building up an
"abstract syntax tree" and then generating the output.
  Thanks again for sharing. Keep it up. Cheers.