From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
from a specific part of the file? Let me explain. Say I have a method
"foo". I would like "foo" to slurp the rest of the script into memory
and write it to a file, possibly a temp file.
In this script I would like lines 2 and 3 (or possibly just line 3 - I'm
not sure yet), but NOT line 1, read into memory and written to a file
(by the foo method). I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
def foo
c0 = caller[0].match(/^(.+):(\d+)(?::in `.*)?$/)
c0 = c0.captures if c0
data =[0], "rb") { |f| }
data = data.split($/)
data = data[(c0[1].to_i -1) .. -1]
p data
def bar
puts "Hello, world."
puts "Goodbye, world."
On 8/9/05, Berger, Daniel <> wrote:
From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself from
a specific part of the file? Let me explain. Say I have a method "foo". I
would like "foo" to slurp the rest of the script into memory and write it to
a file, possibly a temp file.
In this script I would like lines 2 and 3 (or possibly just line 3 - I'm not
sure yet), but NOT line 1, read into memory and written to a file (by the foo
method). I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could use with __DATA__,
__END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
bschroed@black:~/svn/projekte/ruby-things$ cat slurpself.rb
def tail_from(file, line)
puts "Hello World"
p tail_from(__FILE__, __LINE__)
puts "How's it going?"
puts "Just fine"
bschroed@black:~/svn/projekte/ruby-things$ ruby slurpself.rb
Hello World
["puts \"How's it going?\"\n", "puts \"Just fine\"\n"]
How's it going?
Just fine
On 09/08/05, Berger, Daniel <> wrote:
Hi all,
From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
from a specific part of the file? Let me explain. Say I have a method
"foo". I would like "foo" to slurp the rest of the script into memory
and write it to a file, possibly a temp file.
In this script I would like lines 2 and 3 (or possibly just line 3 - I'm
not sure yet), but NOT line 1, read into memory and written to a file
(by the foo method). I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
There is an obscure constant called SCRIPT_LINES__ . To use it you would have to put the script that you want to have access to in a file and include it in another. Like so:
a= "Hello World"
b = "Foo Bar"
c = "How's it going?"
d = "Another Line"
------end test.rb------
require 'test'
-----end main.rb--------
From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
from a specific part of the file? Let me explain. Say I have a method
"foo". I would like "foo" to slurp the rest of the script into memory
and write it to a file, possibly a temp file.
In this script I would like lines 2 and 3 (or possibly just line 3 - I'm
not sure yet), but NOT line 1, read into memory and written to a file
(by the foo method). I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
Any ideas?
So after you do this, you will have a hash that contains arrays of every line in every file you require, keyed by the file name of the required file. Kind of wierd but I think you could use this to do what you want to do.
From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
from a specific part of the file?
I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
The DATA constant initially points after the __END__ marker.
The origin of the DATA IO object is the script itself !
# Line 1
script = DATA.readlines
p script[1..2]
def record opts = {}
getopt =
lambda do |o|
catch('opt') do
[o, o.to_s, o.to_s.intern].each{|k| throw 'opt', opts[k] if opts.has_key? k}
throw 'opt', nil
file = getopt['file'] or raise ArgumentError, 'no file'
a = getopt['start'] or raise ArgumentError, 'no start'
b = getopt['end'] || -1
into = getopt['into'] || Tempfile::new(File::basename(file))
into << IO::readlines(file)[a .. b].join
into.flush if into.respond_to?('flush')
into.rewind if into.respond_to?('rewind')
From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
from a specific part of the file? Let me explain. Say I have a method
"foo". I would like "foo" to slurp the rest of the script into memory
and write it to a file, possibly a temp file.
In this script I would like lines 2 and 3 (or possibly just line 3 - I'm
not sure yet), but NOT line 1, read into memory and written to a file
(by the foo method). I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
phone :: 303.497.6469
Your life dwells amoung the causes of death Like a lamp standing in a strong breeze. --Nagarjuna
This only works for the top-level script ($0). It does not work for
included scripts, the way that Perl's __END__ and DATA markers do.
On 8/12/05, daz <> wrote:
Daniel Berger wrote:
> From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
> from a specific part of the file?
> [...]
> I thought perhaps there were some tricks I could
> use with __DATA__, __END__ or __FILE__, but I wasn't sure.
The DATA constant initially points after the __END__ marker.
The origin of the DATA IO object is the script itself !
# Line 1
script = DATA.readlines
p script[1..2]
On 8/12/05, daz wrote:
> Daniel Berger wrote:
> > From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
> > from a specific part of the file?
This only works for the top-level script ($0). It does not work for
included scripts, the way that Perl's __END__ and DATA markers do.
So I did. I meant to quote what you said about using __END__ and DATA.
To elaborate for those who may not have understood what I was saying,
Consider that Dan's program is "reread.rb". If I do this in "myreread.rb":
require 'reread'
Then Dan's program will reread from the beginning of "myreread.rb"
($0) and not "reread.rb" if it uses __END__ and DATA.
On 8/12/05, daz <> wrote:
Austin Ziegler wrote:
> On 8/12/05, daz wrote:
> > Daniel Berger wrote:
> > > From within a Ruby program, is there a way to get Ruby to re-read itself
> > > from a specific part of the file?
> This only works for the top-level script ($0). It does not work for
> included scripts, the way that Perl's __END__ and DATA markers do.
You just requoted Dan's original question:
"re-read itself"