Re: Re: Programming Blockchains Step-by-Step guide (in ruby). Let's build blockchains from scratch (zero). Let's start with crypto hashes...

What is the data?



    Thanks for your kind words. Added (wrote) some new sections:

     - Blockchain Broken?
     - Timestamping
     - Mining, Mining, Mining
     - Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin

What is the data?

  The data is the "payload" that's where you add your transactions or
a hash for all transactions (e.g. merkle root hash). See the
blockchain-lite library / gem [1], for some examples in ruby or
  the "Programming Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (in Ruby)" Booklet
@ Yuki & Moto Press Bookshelf [2].

  Happy blockchaining with ruby. Cheers. Prost.

[1] GitHub - rubycocos/blockchain: blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby
[2] Programming Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains (Book Edition)