RDoc template update

I was able to do a bit of work on the template I started a while back.

It is now built of several files glued together with XMLHttpRequests
(AJAX, if you wish), so the initial load is not so severe. Also, it accepts arguments to the base file to denote specific documents: for example, http://www.magical-cat.org/rdoc/html/index.html#Oughtve.new
will load method new for class Oughtve and nearly similarly for files.
This, of course, enables sharing those hyperlinks. The downside is
that a webserver is required for proper function.

Yes, it still probably sucks in IE. Yes, it is still red. Other
comments are welcome.




template<typename duck>
void quack(duck& d) { d.quack(); }

Very slick. Are the templates publicly available?




On 8/24/05, ES <ruby-ml@magical-cat.org> wrote:

I was able to do a bit of work on the template I started a while back.