RCR Suggestion: Binding#eval

Returns the Method that was active, if any, when the binding was


def method() …???..

Returns the Proc that was active, if any, when the binding was


def proc() … ??? …

Returns the call stack, same format as Kernel##caller()

def caller( skip = 0 ); eval( “caller( #{skip})”) end

What whould also be nice, is that caller in this context return an array
of Bindings (i.e. Object#method) and not of string (of “file: line:

I could not agree more ! I have been missing that feature a lot and
the work around with set_trace_func() is just too slow for me.

– JeanHuguesRobert


At 17:09 11/05/2004 +0900, you wrote:

Returns the Method that was active, if any, when the binding was


def method() …???..

Returns the Proc that was active, if any, when the binding was


def proc() … ??? …

Returns the call stack, same format as Kernel##caller()

def caller( skip = 0 ); eval( “caller( #{skip})”) end

What whould also be nice, is that caller in this context return an array
of Bindings (i.e. Object#method) and not of string (of “file: line:…”).

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