Random integer within a range?

I must create a little game; the one who play it must choose 2 numbers,
the beginning and the end of a range, and the program generate a secret
random number within that range, so the player must guess it!
But the problem is...how do I generate a random number?
I though at something like this:

number_to_guess = rand(n1..n2)

but it give me the error message "in `rand': can't convert Range into
Integer (TypeError)"

What can I do? Thanks!


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Reiichi Tyrael,

Is the range inclusive OR exclusive?

Should n1 OR n2 be reurned sometimes or never?


number_to_guess = rand(n1..n2)

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

rand only accepts an integer which will make it produce values in the range 0...n (exclusive). So you can do:

irb(main):001:0> low, high = 12, 56
=> [12, 56]
irb(main):002:0> r = low + rand(high - low)
=> 54

Kind regards



On 01.03.2010 20:21, Reiichi Tyrael wrote:

I must create a little game; the one who play it must choose 2 numbers,
the beginning and the end of a range, and the program generate a secret
random number within that range, so the player must guess it!
But the problem is...how do I generate a random number?
I though at something like this:

number_to_guess = rand(n1..n2)

but it give me the error message "in `rand': can't convert Range into
Integer (TypeError)"

What can I do? Thanks!

remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

David Springer wrote:

Reiichi Tyrael,

Is the range inclusive OR exclusive?

Should n1 OR n2 be reurned sometimes or never?

number_to_guess = rand(n1..n2)



Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Reiichi Tyrael wrote:


Okay, I'll assume that these are two different positive integers.

Try this:

number_to_guess = (n2 > n1) ? n1 + rand((n2-n1+1)) : n2 +


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Sorry, I answered before seeing this email. In that case it should be

irb(main):003:0> low, high = 12, 34
=> [12, 34]
irb(main):004:0> r = low + rand(high + 1 - low)
=> 22

You can also do something like this:

irb(main):012:0> (low..high).to_a.sample
=> 21
irb(main):013:0> (low..high).to_a.sample
=> 27

Although in that case you should store the array somewhere for efficiency reasons.

Kind regards



On 01.03.2010 20:40, Reiichi Tyrael wrote:

David Springer wrote:

Reiichi Tyrael,

Is the range inclusive OR exclusive?

Should n1 OR n2 be reurned sometimes or never?

number_to_guess = rand(n1..n2)


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

It's work! Thank you David!
But there is no way to do it like in my version "rand(n1..n2)"? It's
more friendly that way XD


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Reiichi Tyrael wrote:

It's work! Thank you David!
But there is no way to do it like in my version "rand(n1..n2)"? It's
more friendly that way XD

#ruby 1.9
puts (10..20).to_a.sample
#ruby 1.8.6
puts (10..20).to_a.sort_by{rand}.pop




Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Reiichi Tyrael wrote:

It's work! Thank you David!
But there is no way to do it like in my version "rand(n1..n2)"? It's
more friendly that way XD


def myrand(r=nil)
  if r.is_a?(Range)
    rand(r.last - r.first + (r.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1)) + r.first

Or if you prefer:

module Kernel
  alias :orig_rand :rand
  def rand(r=nil)
    if r.is_a?(Range)
      orig_rand(r.last - r.first + (r.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1)) + r.first

I suspect it's not implemented in Ruby because it's not obvious what
rand(0.3..5.7) should do.


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/\.

Under Ruby 1.9:

    10.times.map{ Random.new.rand(20..30) } #=> [26, 26, 22, 20, 30,
26, 23, 23, 25, 22]