Rake: passing args to Task invoke

I need to write a rake task that invokes other rake tasks. Can do that
fine but cannot work out the syntax for tasks that take arguments.

For example db:migrate. How would I give it a version?

I've tried the following, but the argument is ignored:


Thanks in advance....


Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

For example db:migrate. How would I give it a version?

Maybe add to ENV?

i didn't get that work either. did anyone have success with that?

so far, my personal workaround is to make system-calls (which is not
very nice).

well for db:migrate modifying ENV works very well, but if you want to
pass a certain RAILS_ENV it seems to be impossible from inside an
active rails-app. you'll have to go with system calls.

  system('rake db:drop RAILS_ENV=test')


  ENV['VERSION']= '0'

so far even on tha rake mailing-list no other option occurred.