Rails has recently (in SVN) moved to a modularized Rakefile. This causes
me some trouble as I need to change the tasks executed before
unit/functional tests are run. :test_units as well as :test_functional
depend on :clone_structure_to_test. The latter sets up the test
database as a structural copy of the development database.
Copying includes foreign key constraints present in the development
database. Unfortunately, there is no way I can order loading (and
deletion) of fixtures so that foreign key constraints are satisfied.
Therefore I grudgingly used to create the test db from a definition
file lacking these constraints.
Now, without being able to change the :clone_structure_to_test task
directly, I'm looking for a way to either remove it as a prerequisite
from the test tasks or overwrite it. So far, I've only found ways to
add prerequisites and add blocks that are processes for a task. Is
there a way to do what I need?
Michael Schuerig Face reality and stare it down
mailto:michael@schuerig.de --Jethro Tull, Silver River Turning
Just looking at the rake sources, it looks like you could do:
Task::TASKS["clone_structure_to_test"] = nil
task :clone_structure_to_test do
I haven't tried this, though...
- Jamis
On Sep 5, 2005, at 8:41 AM, Michael Schuerig wrote:
Rails has recently (in SVN) moved to a modularized Rakefile. This causes
me some trouble as I need to change the tasks executed before
unit/functional tests are run. :test_units as well as :test_functional
depend on :clone_structure_to_test. The latter sets up the test
database as a structural copy of the development database.
Copying includes foreign key constraints present in the development
database. Unfortunately, there is no way I can order loading (and
deletion) of fixtures so that foreign key constraints are satisfied.
Therefore I grudgingly used to create the test db from a definition
file lacking these constraints.
Now, without being able to change the :clone_structure_to_test task
directly, I'm looking for a way to either remove it as a prerequisite
from the test tasks or overwrite it. So far, I've only found ways to
add prerequisites and add blocks that are processes for a task. Is
there a way to do what I need?
Michael Schuerig Face reality and stare it down
mailto:michael@schuerig.de --Jethro Tull, Silver River Turning
Michael Schürig | Sentenced to making sense