oliver wrote:
Define following class:
class MyThread < Thread
def initialize()
puts "started"
sleep 1000
def test_raise()
raise StandardError.new()
puts "hello"
Open irb and run:
irb(main):082:0> thread = MyThread.new
started=> #<MyThread:0xb7cec234 run>
irb(main):093:0> thread.test_raise
=> nil
I think the line "puts "hello"" should not be run after raising an
What is the reason of this problem?
The problem is that test_raise is executed not by the MyThread thread, but by the main thread. The MyThread instance receives the exception and dies (silently because abort_on_exception is off), and the main thread continues executing the puts "hello".
Keep in mind that the following contexts are different:
(1) *self*, the object that receives a message and performs the lookup to determine which method handles the message
(2) Thread.current: the thread that the interpreter is currently running to execute a method
Let's look at the context when you call test_raise. Even though the *self* is your MyThread instance, the current thread is still the main thread.
If you want to send commands to a thread and have them executed _by_ the thread, you might want to set up a Queue that it reads.
Also, it's useful to have the following when debugging threads:
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
(do this at the beginning of your program--you can also set this for individual threads, but the global setting is nice for debugging)
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407