Rails 0.13: 225+ features/fixes in 75 days!

Rumors of our inability to release ever again was surely false. It has
happened. A new Rails release for the first time in so long that I had
to view the source of my release.rb script again to remember its

But boy was it worth the wait. We got so much new stuff in here it's
not even funny. And the massive influx of new users over the past few
months has meant a flood of fixes for every edge case on the planet.
We're reaching rapid Maturity on the Scalability with Enterprise
goodness scale. Really.

So the big words for this release is Ajax, Migrations, Ajax,
Performance, Ajax, Named Routes, and oh, yeah, we got some sweet Ajax
in there, too.

It's all backwards compatible too. Upgrading will undoubtful force you
to increase the sex-appeal of both your application and your code. Be

We got a slightly longer detail on the whole affair up at the Rails weblog:

This of course also means that we're expecting. Yup, that little new
one-oh is now slated for laser sharp attention. Just in time for the
Rails show they call OSCON. (Yes, delusions of grandeur has been tuned
by 37% with this release.)


(Oh yeah, for good manners, Rails is software to make the construction
of database-powered web-applications like really simple.)


David Heinemeier Hansson
http://www.loudthinking.com -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.basecamphq.com -- Online project management
http://www.backpackit.com -- Personal information manager
http://www.rubyonrails.com -- Web-application framework