[QUIZ SOLUTION] Happy Numbers (#93)

quiz-93 (10.3 KB)

Here's my quick version of happy? method that uses recursion to count sums and static hash to test for infinity:

class Integer
     @@found = {}
     def happy?
       sum = 0
       self.to_s.scan(/./u) { |c| sum += c.to_i ** 2 }
       sum == 1 || @@found[sum] ? 1 : (@@found[sum] = 1; sum.happy?)

puts 1234567890.happy? # => 1

Thanks for the quiz!

Mike Dvorkin

Well, here is my version:


happy = Hash.new do |h, k|
  sum = k.to_s.split('').inject(0) {|s, i| s + i.to_i * i.to_i}
  sum != 1 ? (h[k] = 0) : (next h[k] = 1)
  h[k] = (h[sum.to_s.split('').sort.join.to_i].nonzero? || -1) + 1

puts (1..100000).max {|a, b| happy[a] <=> happy[b]}

I just posted it because i didn't saw a solution using the block
form of Hash.new yet. (But i have to admit i haven't read all the

This version calculates the happiest number between 1 and 100000
(78999) in 7s on my laptop.



My own solution, inspired by Simon's:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

UNHAPPY = [0, 4, 16, 20, 37, 42, 58, 89, 145].freeze

happy = Hash.new do |found, num|
   digits = num.to_s.split("").sort.delete_if { |d| d == "0" }
   happiness = digits.inject(0) { |sum, d| sum + d.to_i ** 2 }
   found[num] = if happiness == 1
   elsif UNHAPPY.include? happiness

(1..100_000).each { |n| p n if happy[n] }


James Edward Gray II


On Sep 6, 2006, at 4:02 AM, Simon Kröger wrote:

I just posted it because i didn't saw a solution using the block
form of Hash.new yet.

Here's my solution to find happy bases - note that I don't find any
happy bases (aside from 2 and 4) before I run out of memory, somewhere
near base 1700. It wouldn't surprise me if no other happy bases

The program checks up to 2*(base-1)*(base-1) for numbers that fall
into an infinite loop (that is not '1' forever) when applying the
digit-square-sum function. This is all that's needed, as it can
easily be shown that any number will eventually get less than that.

There's almost certainly some stuff I could do to be more parsimonious
with memory, chief among them finding a copy of narray that has the
.mod! method. (I may revisit this and use a combination of div!, mul!
and sbt! to cut down on temporary arrays) However, this program as it
stands very quickly checks much farther out than I would have thought
necessary if there really were other happy bases out there to be

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'narray'

def dodigsum(base, initial)
  tmp = initial / (base ** NArray.to_na([[0],[1],[2]]))
  # I would use mod!, but my copy of narray doesn't have mod!
  tmp = tmp % base

def checkbase(base = 10)
  base = base.to_i
  checklimit = 2*(base-1)*(base-1)
  check = NArray.int(checklimit + 1).indgen!
  check_initial = check.dup

  while true do
    if check.eq(check_initial).count_true > 2
      #Gobs of debugging info
      # lp = check.mul!(check.eq(check_initial)).mask(check.ge(2)).min
      # puts "#{base} has a loop on #{lp}"
    if check.le(1).count_true > checklimit
      puts "#{base} is a happy base"

2.upto(3000) { |b|
  rescue Interrupt
    puts "Checking #{b}"
  rescue Error => e
    puts "Bailing on #{b}"
    raise e



s=%q( Daniel Martin -- martin@snowplow.org
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1] )
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1]

Daniel Martin <martin@snowplow.org> writes:

Here's my solution to find happy bases - note that I don't find any
happy bases (aside from 2 and 4) before I run out of memory, somewhere
near base 1700. It wouldn't surprise me if no other happy bases

And here's a faster version, and I also corrected the "Error" to
"Exception" mistake I'd made in my earlier version. This version
makes it through bases 2 - 100 in the blink of an eye, but really
starts to slow down around base 700.

I haven't had a chance to run this one as far as it can go without
running out of memory; maybe later today.

Still haven't found any other happy bases...

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'narray'

def dodigsum(initial, base)
  tmp = initial / (base ** NArray.to_na([[0],[1],[2]]))
  # I would use mod!, but my copy of narray doesn't have mod!
  tmp = tmp % base

def checkbase(base = 10)
  # As shown on the list, you're guaranteed that eventually every
  # number will be two digits or less, and once there the highest
  # you'll ever get again is...
  checklimit = 2*(base-1)*(base-1)
  check = NArray.int(checklimit + 1).indgen!
  check_initial = check.dup
  checkp = check.dup

  while true do
    if check.eq(check_initial).count_true > 2
      #lp = check.mul!(check.eq(check_initial)).mask(check.ge(2)).min
      #puts "#{base} has a loop on #{lp}"
      print (base % 100 > 0 ? "." : "x")
    if check.le(1).count_true > checklimit
      puts "#{base} is a happy base"
    check[0] = check[checkp]

2.upto(3000) { |b|
    GC.start if (b > 300 and b % 5 == 0)
    sleep(1) if (b % 100 == 0)
  rescue Interrupt
    puts "Checking #{b}"
  rescue Exception => e
    puts "Bailing on #{b}"
    raise e



s=%q( Daniel Martin -- martin@snowplow.org
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1] )
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1]

And here's my narray-based solution to find the happiest number under
1_000_000 - it's not the shortest solution I've seen, but it's pretty
fast. It eliminates numbers that end up in loops by setting all
looping numbers to 0.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'narray'

def dodigsum(initial, base)
  ndigits = (Math.log(initial.max)/Math.log(base)).ceil
  tmp = initial / (base ** NArray.to_na((0...ndigits).map{|x|[x]}))
  tmp = tmp % base

limit = ARGV[0] || 1_000_000
base = ARGV[1] || 10

limit = limit.to_i
base = base.to_i

check = NArray.int(limit + 1).indgen!
check_initial = check.dup
check_initial[1] = 0
dodigsum(check, base)
checkp = check.dup

onemask = check.eq(1)
# onemask now contains the location of "0 order" happy numbers
order = 0
found_ex = nil
while (check.ge(2).count_true > 0) do
  check = check[checkp]
  newmask = check.eq(1)
  order = order + 1
  if (not newmask == onemask)
    found_ex = [newmask.gt(onemask).where.min, order]
  onemask = newmask
puts "Happiest is #{found_ex[0]}, with happiness order #{found_ex[1]}"


s=%q( Daniel Martin -- martin@snowplow.org
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1] )
       puts "s=%q(#{s})",s.map{|i|i}[1]

Daniel Martin wrote:

Daniel Martin <martin@snowplow.org> writes:

Here's my solution to find happy bases - note that I don't find any
happy bases (aside from 2 and 4) before I run out of memory, somewhere
near base 1700. It wouldn't surprise me if no other happy bases

I used the attached program to check for happy bases.

$ time ruby hapnr2.rb 10000

real 1m7.279s
user 1m7.261s
sys 0m0.013s

So, there are no more happy bases up to 10000.



hapnr2.rb (837 Bytes)


Michael Ulm
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